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Yathreb was the capital of the first Islamic community. It's the second Holiest city of Islam.Currently, each Islamic country has its capital city & the Spiritual capital of the Islamic world is Mecca.

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Q: Is Yathrib capital city of Islam?
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Why is it important about the city of yathrib later called medina?

it spread islam to the people who lived there

What does yathrib mean in Islam?


What is Yathrib better known as today and why?

Yathrib is better known today as Medina. It is known as the "City of the Prophet" because it was the city that Prophet Muhammad migrated to from Mecca in 622 CE, a significant event in the history of Islam. Medina holds great religious significance for Muslims as it is the second holiest city in Islam after Mecca.

Who founded Yathrib?

Yathrib is another name to the city of Madinah in Arabia.

What was the city of Yathrib renamed?


What was the renamed city of yathrib called?

before it was called yathrib but when Muhammad s.a.w went there since then it was called Madinatun nabi . city of nabi.

What are facts about Madina?

madinah was one called yathrib. it is the secound holiest site in islam.

What became yathrib new name?

after muhammad's flight the city of yathrib, they changed its name to medina.

What was the city that asked Muhammad to come live there?

Yathrib renamed as Madina .

Is Samarra capital city of Islam?

Answer 1No, Islam is a religion and not a country.Answer 2In addition to Answer 1, Samarra has never served of the capital of an Islamic Empire or State.

What does yathrib means?

"Yathrib" is the old name for Medina (Al-Madinah Al-Monawarah) city in Saudi Arabia, before the migration of Prophet Muhammad. Worth mentioning that it's not preferable to name the city "Yathrib" now. The name itself comes from the family head (Yathrib Ibn Abeel) which was said to be the first family to inhibit this area. They are descendants of Prophet Noah.

What did muhammads move to yathrib reflect his success as a leader?

As soon as Muhammad started preaching his message to the pagans, some accepted Islam while others started torturing him and his other followers. It was at that time that the message of Islam spread to the Yathrib. The people of Yathrib very well knew the consequenses of inviting Muhammad and his followers to their city but they decided to go ahead. Thus the credit goes to Muhammad that he successfully convinced the people of Medina to face the danger and help the Muslims. It was nothing but his leadership that his followers agreed to leave their hometown of Mecca Yathrib's residents had asked Muhammad to move to the city in order to bring strong leadership and peace according to NovaNet.