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Read this for your information as God's answer to the world. It is very important because it speaks of the present times and what will happen in the nearby future (i.e., the fall of the United Nations). The interpretation of Daniel's 4-beast vision by the Catholic Church (i.e., wars in the Middle East before Christ) and USA's 1999 version (i.e., wars in Europe after Christ) are empirical studies which are invalid since the scripture says that the prophecy will be revealed at the appointed time (i.e., when the time comes), meaning God's revelation must come first & be proclaimed by someone (than be studied & explained by scientists, bible scholars & experts) and hence, the versions of the Catholic Church & USA are purely guesses, being also incomplete. The author Winston Kayanan has been disseminating this interpretation since 2006 to some 30 foreign countries (thru their embassies here in the Philippines) and subsequently disseminated to the world via the net since May 2009. The author stands by his accurate & perfect interpretation of Daniel's vision.

A description of the allegories in Daniel's vision that was written in the Old Testament of the Bible is now completely revealed to the public. It was given to the author Winston Kayanan from the Philippines by God from June 25 to 29, 2004 after waiting for nothing (i.e., a response or reaction) from UNEP regarding the former's proposal on his invented bio-technology via personal letters (delivered in December 2002 & January 2003) and e-mail letter (sent in April 2004). No reply came from the organization. Nonetheless the author was so elated on this revelation which encouraged him to further continue & push the work which he started in the environment since 2001 (i.e., saving man & saving earth with the objective of O2 regeneration via photosynthesis in rehabilitating wastelands, infertile lands, barren lands & so forth over carbon emission reduction).

In totality, this revelation is compatible to the author's technology (i.e., touching on agriculture, health & meteorology) in tandem with this interpretation (driving likewise on agriculture, health & meteorology), defeating the versions of the Catholic Church and USA (1999). Whatever one thinks, it all boils down that the interpretation of the vision is accurate, true & real that is really intended for the United Nations. All codes (verses 7:1 to 28) were unraveled in just 2 minutes on June 28, 2004 & were sent to the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines on June 29, 2004 by mail. The following were decoded, to wit:

1. First Paragraph of Dream ("the four winds of heaven stirred up the great sea") is the subject matter of Daniel's vision, describing earth's abnormal (wild) behavior - considered as the effects of global warming & climate change in the environment such as strong winds, heat waves, deadly cyclones & typhoons, taller waves, tsunamis, and many others.

2. First Beast ("The Lion') is The International Court of Justice. Per Webster dictionary, the lion is the symbol of dignity & dominance and hence, the court matches with its animal definition or dscription.

3. "The beast was lifted up & made to stand like a man" means that this court is the highest which interprets the international law.

4. Second Beast ("The Bear") is The Security Council. Per Webster dictionary, the bear is defined as that shows ruggedness, irascibility, coarse, uncouthness & shambling burliness and hence, this definition matches with the behavior of said council.

5. "It was holding 3 ribs between its teeth" which symbolize the 3 functions of the Security Council, to wit:

a) To investigate disputes bet. Nations which may threaten world peace;

b) To recommend ways & means of setting international disputes peacefully; and,

c) To undertake diplomatic, economic or military action against any country which disturb world peace & security and refuses to obey the decision of the council.

6. Third Beast ("The Leopard") is the Trusteeship Council. Per Webster dictionary, the leopard often lies in ambush for its prey that consists of most animals small or weak enough for it to overcome and hence, this definition talks about imperialism of powerful countries, matching this council.

7. "On its back, there were 4 wings, like the wings of a bird & it had 4 heads." The 4 wings & 4 heads represent the 4 trust territorial administrators namely: Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain and USA, out of 9 members in the council in which 5 members are non-controlling countries..

8. The Fourth Beast ("fearful & extraordinary strong, not like the others") is no other than the Economic & Social Council (process of elimination in 2004 before another council (the 5th) was established in 2006).

9. "With bronze claws & iron teeth" pertains to the 4th council's administration & control, handling non-political matters like economic, social, cultural, educational and health problems affecting the peoples of the world.

10. "It ate, tore into pieces and crushed underfoot whatever remained" and "It shall devour earth, crush it and destroy it" would mean that the 4th council has caused global crises on earth, covering food, energy, financial, health, environment, etc.

11. "It had 10 horns with 10 kings who will rule the empire." This line is attributed to the first 10 specialized agencies established by the United Nations in the 40"s which are:

a) FAO (1945)

b) WB (1945)

c) ILO (1946)

d) UNESCO (1946)

e) UNICEF (1946)

f) ICAO (1947)

g) IMF (1947)

h) ITU (1947)

i) WHO (1948)

j) UPU (1948)

12. "Another horn came after" pertains to the United Nations Environment Programme. UNEP failed to identify the cause of environmental woes. It created Kyoto Protocol in which its treaty was based on false science. Instead of O2 reproduction, regeneration or replenishment per author's proposition & recommendation, UNEP ignored this & continued its carbon emission reduction. As a consequence, the later added flames to the fire which include composting (unknowingly releases CO2 every second thru decay), alternative energy (such as biomass, also releases CO2 when burned), sanitary landfill (poisons the soil, similarly adding desertification of lands), etc. UNEP also peddled emission testing equipment, installation of tsunami warning devices, etc., all of which are hardware that do not attack the real problem (global warming). It recognized smaller inventions, given with awards such as bioreactors (unknowingly releasing 70% of CO2 too) and ignored the author's Philippine technology (geared towards photosynthesis & chemosynthesis) that could & would address environmental woes broadly & effectively far better than combined Kyoto Protocol Treaty, Copenhagen Deal, world programs & other technological inventions.

13. "This king (small horn) shall insult the Most High and persecute the holy ones of the Most High" means that many or most people in the world were brainwashed, making people as suckers, a grand deceit for that matter. As a result, It has caused many injuries & deaths.

14. "It had eyes like human eyes and a mouth that uttered insolent words" would mean the eyes of the storm, coming by twin or series of cyclones (like Hurricane Katrina, etc.) and the mouth as earthquakes (like Iran's quake, Indonesia's tsunami, Haiti's quake, etc.), landslides, volcanic eruptions, soil cracks, deep holes, etc.

15. "That horn made 3 horns fall & will overthrow 3 kings" means UNEP has affected its 3 co-agencies: FAO (in agriculture), WHO (in health), and WMO (in meteorology) as explained hereunder:

a) It is FAO because of huge desertification of fertile & arable lands (recorded at 60% as of 2005 but still increasing), creating physiological imbalances to organic matter cycle, carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle and water cycle as well as creating economical damages on man & earth such as food shortages, famine, unemployment, poverty, crime, etc.

b) It is WHO because of emergence of deadly pathogens & uncontrollable spread of diseases, causing all sorts of illnesses & deaths via epidemic to pandemic.

c) It is WMO because of the continued intensification of global warming: mostly carbon emitted from perishable solid wastes and soil's organic matter ((done by the dominance & proliferation of decay microorganisms) and carbon from continued lost of crops & trees (by droughts, floods, forest fires), far more than carbon from transportation & industries. All of these have resultantly created climate change like deadly storms, tornadoes & hurricanes, torrential rains, taller waves & violent seas, tsunamis, earthquakes, landslides, air & sea transport mishaps, new microbe strains, etc..

16. "One of Great Age" is naturally God who will appoint Jesus Christ as King to rule earth & mankind.

17. "The tribunal" is the jury that holds the Book of Life for the living and the dead which will be rendered summary judgment.

18. "This animal was killed before my eyes" would mean the downfall of the 4th beast, i.e., ECOSOC.

19. "Dominion was taken from the other animals, though they were allowed to stay alive for a time, until the fixed time" would mean that the 3 original councils: the International Court, the Security Council and the Trusteeship Council will lose their control & power until its business will close and hence, their existence will eventually cease.

20. "Son of Man" is no other than Jesus Christ who will be appointed to execute God's command in the Coming of the Son of Man (aka Triumph of the Word of God or Rider on the Horse).

21. "Dominion, honor and kingship were given him and nations of every language served him" and "His dominion is eternal and shall never pass away, his kingdom will never be destroyed" pertain to the second coming of Jesus Christ who will execute God's will in destroying wickedness & evil and will subsequently reign thru peoples' hearts with chosen (priestly) leaders.

22. "This horn wage war against the holy ones and was subduing them" pertains to the continued persecution of people by UNEP's original theory as the wrong objective, i.e., the ineffective carbon emission reduction, as its major scientific blunder (i.e., based on false science) in addressing global warming that has been creating climate change & causing natural disasters.

23. "Change feasts & the laws" means UN and its scientists ignored the basic natural sciences (as in biology, chemistry & physics) which God had given as well as the reorganization of the United Nations with the establishment of human rights in 2006.

24. "The holy ones shall be handed over to his power (small horn) for a time, two times and half a time" would mean that world will further experience natural disasters from continued global warming & climate change for 3 ½ years more under the power of the UNEP.

25. "But judgment will come . . . , he (small horn) shall be destroyed and utterly wiped out" means that UNEP (its mission now being handled by UNFCCC) will be put down, silenced & eventually be terminated.

26. "The kingship, dominion and leadership of all the kingdoms of the world shall be given to the people of the holy ones of God Most High" would mean that, with the fall of the United Nations, God will install His chosen people to manage the organization and people shall prevail as primordial concern in Daniel's 4-beast vision.


The vision in Chapter 7 does not stop there for God made it a puzzle so that no one can decipher its real meaning since many historians, theologians, philosophers and Bible scholars & experts had attempted to decode but ended up clueless until a story was invented (or fabricated) in the ancient times. The original story was the first version which dated back from the early centuries (i.e., wars in the Middle East in the 2nd century before Christ), written by an unknown author. The invented story was consequently adopted by Jehovah Witness & subsequently taken by the Catholic Church). And lastly, a second story was made by USA which sprung in 1999 (wars in Europe in the 19th century after Christ) as the world's second version.

The Philippine version (dubbed as the world's 3rd interpretation) was done in only 2 minutes on June 28, 2004 after God made the author read the Bible, specifically Chapter 7, for 3 times in 3 consecutive nights from June 25 to 27, 2004. Like any one else, the author cannot understand it until, on the 4th day, God gave the description of the codes instantly which made him supply a copy by mail to the Catholic Bishop Conference of the Philippines for their information on June 29, 2004.

The author however could not complete the story. He knew that the vision pertains to the environment on global warming & climate change since he invented a powerful technology for the environment 3 years before the vision came up wherein its 3 functions are similar or identical to the failed duties of the 3 fallen kings.

The missing parts in the author Winston Kayanan's Philippine version of Daniel's 4-beast vision as of June 2004 were the change of feast, the abominable idol, the devastator and the beginning date of the 3 ½ years that could not be answered. And so the vision jumps in Chapter 12 as the continuing episode (see attachment) for God gradually supplied the author with additional revelations (i.e., on installment basis) for the codes to be further interpreted. In April 2009, God flashed the date of May 17, 2006 in the author's mind. Sensing this as a message from God, the author restudied again the missing parts & reviewed the events which transpired in the past. It appeared that the major event in 2006 was the establishment of the Human Rights Council in UN. Searching in the internet about UN's Human Rights Council, it revealed information that served as conclusions to all the missing parts in the author's interpretation. God's flashed date of May 17, 2006 matched with the date when the members of the Human Rights were finally installed (i.e., elected). This made the author's proclamation to some 30 countries via embassies (beginning September 2006) as nearly close to perfection. Everything were done in good faith (not a hoax). Following lines which came from Chapter 12, are the interpretations or descriptions of the coded scriptures, to wit:

1. "It shall be a time of anguish as never before since the nations first existed until this very day" would mean that the world & people will experience the anger & wrath of God on the wickedness of men (i.e., judgment day), similar to Noah's time (destruction of men) in Genesis.

2. "Names written in the Book" are people who will be saved, then purified, cleansed and proved.

3. "Region of the Dust" is the world of the afterlife, some will be resurrected to eternal life and some will go to hell in horror & shame. Those given eternal life will be rewarded.

4. "From the time of perpetual sacrifice is suppressed" is reckoned on December 2, 2002 which was the very day when the author Winston Kayanan made his first proposal to the United Nations regarding the Philippine technology against global warming & climate change. This was the beginning of God's intervention on UN to ponder its position as well as to comply its charter if it will be in consonance with their oath & commitment to God for the welfare of the people (i.e., "make life better & freer") and with mankind's contract with God through Noah (i.e., "be fruitful & increase, abound on the earth & be master of it"). December 2, 2009 was the 7th anniversary of the author's first proposal.

5. "The Abominable Idol of the devastator is installed" is referred to as the Human Rights Council (the 5th council) that was established in 2006, composed of member nations of questionable leadership (described as the devastator). Please take note that Daniel's vision in the Bible was decoded in 2004, originally comprising of 4 beasts. Since there are now 5 councils, with the Human Rights Council (or 5th council) created in 2006, God through Daniel distinctly delineated the 4-beast as originals from the last added council. The purpose could be that no one can decipher the vision except only the person as chosen to receive & testify the truth (at the time of its revelation). The HRC members were opposed by USA since their governments were considered as human rights violators & abusers. Its first election failed in March 2006 due to election protest of USA and the second round of election was held on May 17, 2006, successfully done despite the disappointment of USA.

6. "1,290 days" refer to the 3 ½ year grace period set by God which commenced on May 17, 2006, the second day of election for the members of the Human Rights Council (when the Abominable Idol of devastators was installed). This is the second half of God's 7-year period, allotted for the author to proclaim His Word (re: Daniel's 4-beast vision) after completing the first half, used for the promotion of the author's Philippine technology. In a total of 7 years, God did not provide financial support for the public announcement of the author's technology & the proclamation of the vision since it would be easy to have these publish in the newspapers and to air these on TV & radio networks. In other words, God does not want His word to be commercialized. There was a gestation period (i.e., a divine plan) for God gave time for the author to work at it step by step in its pronouncement to test governments & people in their ability to recognize, know & acknowledge Him because the author will indeed encounter people who will ignore, reject or oppose this interpretation (comprising of atheists, agnostics, cynics & skeptics).

7. "1,335 days" began likewise on May 17, 2006. If deducted with the 1,290 days, it will yield an excess period of 45 days. This 45-day excess is interpreted as the judgment period in destroying wickedness of men on earth. Per interpretation of the gospels written by Luke, Mark & Matthew, about 50% of world's population will perish. In Noah, the flood lasted for 40 days and stayed for 150 days.

8. "The appointed time of the end" was estimated (or calculated) to be on November 28, 2009 (the end of 1,290 days grace period) and January 10, 2010 (the end of 1,335 days or the excess 45-day judgment period). This did not happen and so it is but natural that people will consider the interpretation as a hoax. However, God extended the time. He delayed His judgment on the United Nations and added judgment on mankind for the author despite facing greater trials of restraint, must also inform people as their test of faith. However, some or most people are not very receptive, specifically portrayed by world rulers & leaders to the proclamation (probably because of the growing atheism, lack of concern for religion or any other reasons). People never knew that the outcome of the 'appointed time of the end' will be the Coming of the Son of Man (per Luke, Mark, Matthew as well as John, James, Paul & Peter), better known as the Triumph of the Word of God or the Rider of the Horse (see Revelation).

9. "Only the learned will understand" comprised of people who walk in the light & in obeying the gospels and who know both the Father (the Almighty God) & the Son (Jesus Christ) in spite of already being proclaimed by the author (i.e., the meaning of Daniel's vision).

10. "The outcome of these things" was unfortunately withheld. Daniel was not able to obtain explanation since this was kept secret until the appointed time of the end comes.


What is the outcome of things per Daniel's query? Unfortunately, the author was not able to interpret this in June 2004 but God sent a message two years later (in May 2006). The outcome is found in Revelation's Verses 19:11 to 21 the Triumph of the Word of God (or the Rider on the Horse) and verses 20:1 to 10 the Thousand Years. USA's NASA-GISS was the first to be notified of these messages, sent by the author on his 15th e-mail to them dated May 25, 2006 after 14 messages of promotion & proclamation.

God knew that the world is hopeless if the people continued to be misdirected & deceived by UN's faulty administration of people & earth's affairs particularly with its invalid (pending) treaty, Kyoto Protocol. Whether the treaty (which was changed to Copenhagen Deal) is installed or not, earth will still head towards its own self destruction. And that will be too late, nearly at the point of no return. Perpetual sacrifice or mass killing of people by way of natural disasters will continue unless the author (with authority to uproot, to destroy & to overthrow, and, to build & to plant like Jeremiah verses 1:1 to 19) must put in place God's answer to rebuild & repair earth in order to stop the unending manslaughter & wreaking of havoc on earth. But since most were totally deceived, pledging unconditional support to the treaty, authorities could not anymore be persuaded because they are already too stubborn & hardheaded, refusing to listen to the solution being offered by the author despite continuously being informed & warned. In this vein, God's wrath is at hand because people do not know His ways and therefore, He will make His word triumph in the end. He will not only eliminate wicked people but will also include others (with 50% of world population going to perish).

Jesus Christ will come on a white horse with an army from heaven, and then will wage war on nations against the wickedness of men. His angel will call the birds of the air (big or small) to eat the flesh of kings (world leaders & rulers), of generals & soldiers (men in uniform) including people of any social class will be killed (Triumph of the Word of God Rev. 19: 11-21). Judgment period will be 45 days. IPCC (identified as the beast) together with world leaders & rulers will try to fight, prevent and stop the large-scale mass killings. But IPCC will be caught together with Al Gore (identified as the false prophet who widely taught his beliefs, not knowing that his teachings contradicted God-given nature's laws) for they both served UN & performed signs (referring to their false scientific studies & the blasphemous Inconvenient Truth which are disorienting people away from nature's laws) to those who received the mark of the beast (identified as the members of the UN who pledged & supported the treaty). Thereafter, the remnants on earth will receive renewed life after rebuilding earth and will live happily in the forthcoming thousand years of peace (Rev. 20).

In the thousand years, a new beginning will rise as earth & its environment will be rejuvenated using the Philippine technology. Cooperation & peace among men will ensue. There will be no more great natural disasters. Evil including wars & terrorism will totally be wiped out as the prince of darkness will be jailed. The dead who refused to worship the beast or receive its mark will return to life and live through the reign of Jesus Christ.

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If you want to know the whole thing in the Daniel book, I recomend the book by Desmod Ford called דניאל. it is written in english but the title is in Hebrew. The cover is black and has a lion.

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