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There is no mention of the Trinity in either the Hebrew Bible or the Greek New Testament.

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Q: Is Trinity found in either Hebrew or Greek Bible?
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The Bible is never translated TO Hebrew and Greek in any church because it was originally written in Hebrew and Greek.It is translated FROM Hebrew and Greek, but this is done by the publisher of the printed Bible used in the church. It is not done by a church member.

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Because the Hebrew Bible was written in Hebrew and the New Testament was written in Greek.

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Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek.

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St. Jerome translated the bible from Greek and Hebrew into Latin. The translated version is called the Latin Vulgate.

The Masoretes when copying the Bible counted every letter of the Bible how many original Hebrew Aramaic and Greek letters are in the Bible?

The Masoretes never read or translated Greek. But the total of Hebrew letters (Aramaic uses the same alphabet as Hebrew) is 39,613.

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The Hebrew word for scattered is nifzar (נפזר).