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Of course it is NOT. it's a religion that millions of people believe in and follow

Answer:A cult is defined as a group that follows the will of a living leader. Islam is a monotheistic creed. All matters go back to the Book of God - and the example of Muhammad. No living leader can tamper with that.
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10y ago

Sufism is a part of Islam, but the use of the word "cult" usually has a negative implication, which is inappropriate. Sufism is branch of Islam that is more concerned with an emotional connection to God than an emphasis on legal doctrines. Shari'a and Sufism are not in conflict; which makes Sufism a completely legitimate expression of Islam and is just as much a part of Islam as is traditional Islamic Jurisprudence. It simply uses this jurisprudence in a looser and more emotional way. Similar parallels can be drawn between Kabbalah (the real thing - not Madonna stuff) and Judaism.

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