Yes it is. The Jewish side of my family have the last name Sharman.
Daniel Sharman's birth name is Daniel Andrew Sharman.
Maisie Sharman's birth name is Maisie Sharman Bolton.
Bill Sharman's birth name is William Walton Sharman.
Della Sharman's birth name is Della Paola Sharman.
Jim Sharman's birth name is James David Sharman.
His name is Daniel Sharman.
Rusty Jackson's birth name is Dalton Sharman Jackson.
Helen Patricia Sharman
Bill Sharman has written: 'Sharman on basketball shooting' -- subject(s): Basketball
Ignore the tw*t below. Sharman is a very old Englsh name, one of the oldest in fact. It originates from "Shearman", as in one who shears you might think but it actually refers to those who would cut the finest, expensive cloth. It is related to "Sherman" which is also quite common. There is also an Indian Hindu name Sharman and I am not sure of the root of this one.
Sharman Networks was created in 2002.