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Q: Is Ribah harram in Islam
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Who was the first Mu'adhin in Islam?

The first Mu'adhin in Islam was Bilal ibn Ribah, and he was the first African convert to Islam.

Can a Muslim sleep with his feet pointing towards mecca?

no its harram

Is it harram in Islam to eat something after sex?

No it is not haram so long the food itself is not haram. Haram is prohibited all the times including sex times and halal is allowed all the times. It is your choice that makes it Halal or Haram depending on what you do or eat! Please educate yourself about Islam. See these links.

Why the month of Moharram is called as Moharram-ul-Harram according to Islamic calendar?

The month of Moharram is called as Ul-Harram because it is one of the four months (of the Lunar Calendar) in which it is harram (forbidden) to set into wars, attacks or quarrels among the Arabs. The other months are Rajab (7th month), ZulQueda (11th month), and Zulhejjah (12th month).

Is coke haram?

coke is not harram but some argue it is. The particular substance is caffeine which may harm your body which is harram but to be honest, nearly every food containing sugar can harm your body. The amount of sugar in coke is too much so it can cause diabeetes and that's why people may call it harram. JUST DRINK IT, QUR'AN DOESNT SAY ANYTHING ABOUT IT :d

What is the broken chain political symbol?

tera sir harram zyadeya teri maa chud

Why is listening to music not appreciate in Islam?

Music is not forbidden or harram as many a people say in Islam. But it is not encouraged to listen to it either. Every thing that is good and moderate is healthy. Music just like many other things promotes the ease in the unconcious of our minnd, which when tried to control and direct straight gets difficult .

Who was the first Mua'zzin for Islamic prayer?

The first Islamic call to praying (A'zan) was said by Bilal Ibn Ribah. He was an Ethiopian and born in Mecca in the late 6th century. The prophet Muhammad chose Bilal as the caller for praying (Mua'zzin). He was among the slaves that were freed by Abu Bakr. He was one of the very early Islam followers.

Is Muslim girl marry to non Muslim boy treat as haram?

ts comepletly harram for a Muslim girl to marry a non beilever

When did muezzin come to Makkah?

A muezzin is the person who performs the call to prayer (adhan) at a mosque. The first muezzin was an Ethiopian man named Bilal ibn Ribah, who was a companion of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Bilal was the first muezzin to perform the adhan in Makkah (Mecca).

What religion of Indonesia?

Well the majority of population are muslims so Islam.