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Yes, in fact it had begun to decay while still lying in state in Saint Peter's Basilica as it had not been embalmed. This was quite evident to anyone who got close to the body as the odor was quite strong.

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Q: Is Pope John Paul II's body decaying?
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Is it true that Pope John Paul II's dead body is missing?

No, his body is not missing. It has been moved to a new tomb in the Vatican, however.

When was Pope John Paul ll buried?

He was buried on April 8, 2005, in the grottoes under Saint Peter's Basilica. His tomb has been empty since Pope John's remains had been moved into the main body of the basilica after his beatification.

Is Pope John Paul II's tomb empty?

John Paul II was buried April 8, 2005 in the grottoes under St. Peter's Basilica, the Tomb of the Popes. He was lowered into the tomb thathad been occupied by the remains of Blessed Pope John XXIII but which had been empty since his remains had been moved into the main body of St. Peter's Basilica after his beatification in 2003.

Why is Pope John Paul II a prophet today?

Pope Saint John Paul II fulfilled all the necessary conditions for being considered a prophet. "A person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God" is the definition, and Pope Saint John Paul II fulfilled this to a "T". His Theology of the Body, which he taught in his Wednesday audiences over many years is just now being plumbed for the full depth of his brilliance. His Encyclicals are second to none, and are worthwhile reading for anyone who wants to understand Christianity better.

What happened to Pope Paul I?

Are you sure that you want Pope Paul I? He was pope back in the middle of the first millenium, if you are asking about Pope John Paul I, you need to ask that question. Anyway, this is from the Catholic Encyclopedia: Pope Paul I was pope from 757-67 A.D. He died near the church of San Paolo fuori le mura, where he had gone during the heat of summer. He was buried in this church, but after three months his body was transferred to St. Peter's. The "Liber Pontificalis" also praises the Christian charity and benevolence of the pope which he united with firmness. Paul is venerated as a saint. His feast is celebrated on the twenty-eighth of June.

What does a decaying dead body look like?

A decaying dead body

Why did they exhume the body of Pope John Paul?

They did remove his coffin from his tomb so it could be transferred to a place of honour, under the altar of St Sebastian so more people could come to visit him and pray there.

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Yes it can, a decaying body is essentially fertilizer and nourishment for the soil.

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Which pope has 666 on his body?

No pope has 666 on his body.

What happened when John Paul II died?

Upon his death, the apartment and office of the pope would be sealed and his ring removed from his hand and destroyed so it could no longer be used to seal documents. Once the death certificate is signed, the body would be removed and prepared for the public viewing. It may, or may not be embalmed. In the case of John Paul, it was not. A public announcement would be made and notifications would be sent to all the cardinals. The camarlengo would make arrangements for the funeral and the subsequent conclave to elect a new pope.

What was the cause of death of Pope John Paul I?

The official cause of death is a heart attack. There is no evidence of any foul play.AnswerThe official cause of death is a heart attack. However, this was apparently based on a cursory examination of the deceased pope's body, an examination so brief that the diagnosis has been ridiculed by medical experts. the pope's personal physician said that John Paul I was in excellent health, had low blood pressure and was an unlikely candidate for a heart attack. No autopsy was performed.Others say that the pope may have been killed by poisoning. Some of the evidence is consistent with such a conclusion, although this can only remain speculation. Certainly, there were many within the Vatican with a motive to murder John Paul, once it became known that he intended to rid the Vatican of corruption.AnswerAccording to official sources in the Vatican, he died of a heart attack. Some question this diagnosis however and think he was poisoned.