Noah comes in the Old Testament , in the book of genesis.
Another answer:The full account of Noah is in Genesis, but the New Testament also refers to him eight times, so the answer to your question is: Both.The judges mentioned in the Bible are from the Old Testament.
Abraham is first mentioned in the Old Testament.
I am not Sure about the old Testament... But I do know the one about the new testament...The word Easter is mentioned once in the New Testament. Its mentioned in the book of Acts. You can't find Easter anywhere else in the New Testament.
The pyramids are not mentioned anywhere in either the old or new testament.
Yes the story of Noah is in the old testament in the book of genises.
The serpent is mentioned in both the Old and New Testaments. In the Old Testament, the serpent tempts Eve in the Garden of Eden. In the New Testament, the serpent is often used as a symbol for Satan or evil.
The story of Noah and the ark is found in the first book of the old testament Genesis.
Word Christianity was mentioned in the Old Testament the exact number of times that it was mentioned in the New Testament - zero.
Grace is first mentioned in Genesis 6:8,Genesis 6:8But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.Grace appears 37 times in old testament from book of Genesis to Zechariah.
Only the New Testament has references to Jesus.
567 old testament 966 new testament ANSWER: Dream is mentioned 7 times in the New testament.