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4004 BC Adam and Eve's first two children are born, Cain and Abel (Gen. 4). Cain kills Abel (Ibid.)

3900 Enoch is born, Cain's first son. Seth is born to Adam and Eve. Irad, Cain's first grandchild, is born (Gen. 4).

3400 Enoch, the great, great, great, grandchild of Seth, is born. At this same general time period, Methuselah was born (Gen. 5)

3000 Noah is born (ca. 2948 B.C., Gen. 5: 29).

2500 Noah's sons are both, Shem, Ham, and Jepheth (Gen. 6: 9). It was about this time that Noah was commissioned to build the Ark (Gen. 6).

2350 The flood waters cover the entire earth (Gen. 7). (James Ussher suggest 2349 as the flood date, the Samaritan Pentateuch has 2998, the Hebrew Bible has 2288, and the Septuagint lists 3246 has the date of the flood). Noah's three sons began to repopulate the earth (Gen. 9: 1).

2300 The Tower of Babel and its destruction (Gen. 11). The confusion of tongues and the scattering of the people.

2000 The death of Noah (ca. 1998 B. C., Gen. 9: 28, 29).

1920 The call of Abram occurs at about this time (Gen. 12: 1). Abram and Lot depart Haran, as God instructed. God promised to make a great nation (Gen. 12). A son is promised to Abram (Gen. 15).

1890 The destruction of Sodom, Gomorrah and the cities of the plain (Gen. 19). The birth of Isaac, Abram's promised son (Gen. 19, 21: 3).

1872 Abraham is put to a test regarding Isaac (Gen. 22).

1730 Joseph is sold to the Midianites and his consequent experiences that result in him becoming a ruler in Egypt (Gen. 37 - 47).

1680 The Book of Genesis comes to a close, having covered approximately 2300 years of history.

1571 Moses is born . Moses is adopted into the Egyptian royal court.

1491 The call of Moses and his commission (the burning bush experience, Ex. 2). The ten plagues (Ex. 7 - 12). Israel is liberated from Egyptian bondage (Ex. 12 ff.). The giving of the Ten Commandment Law (Ex. 20, some provide the date of 1445 for the giving of the law). Hence, after about 2, 500 years the system of Patriarchy comes to a close.

1451 The death of Moses (Deut. 34). Joshua is appointed as Moses' successor (Josh. 1).

1425 The Abrahamic land promise is realized (Gen. 12; Josh. 24).

1400 The beginning of the judges and their governing of Israel, covering about 305 years (ca. 1095 B. C., see Judges 1 - I Samuel 8).

1095 The appointment of Saul to be King of Israel (I Sam. 10, some have 1050 as the date).

1063 David defeats Goliath (I Sam. 17).

1055 David is appointed King (2 Sam. 2, some have 1010 B. C.).

1015 Solomon, David's son, is appointed King (I Kgs. 1, 2, some believe 970 is the more likely time for the appointment of Solomon).

992 The Queen of Sheba visits Solomon (I Kgs. 10).

975 Solomon's death and Rehoboam succeeds Solomon to the throne (I Kgs. 12, some have 931 as the date). The Kingdom is divided. When Solomon died, the fight for his throne results in the twelve tribes of Israel dividing, creating the Great Schism. The two southern tribes, Benjamine and Judah, maintaining Jerusalem as their capital, become "The Kingdom of Judah" under the reign of Rehoboam. He reigns 17 years. The ten northern tribes of Israel revolt, becoming "The Kingdom of Israel" under the rulership of Jeroboam. He reigns 21 years. Israel's continues, with 19 Kings from the reign of Solomon, for 254 years. Israel makes Samaria its capitol.

722 The Assyrians capture Samaria and take Israel captive (cp. 2 Chroni. 33, end of the Kingdom of Israel).

597 Jerusalem is captured by Babylon (cp. 2 Chroni. 36).

536 First group returns from captivity (see Ezra 2).

458 The second group returns from bondage (Ezra 8).

444 The walls of Jerusalem are rebuilt under the leadership of Nehemiah (Nehe. 1-7).

398 The completion of the 39 books that constitute the "Old Testament" see Malachi). This date began the "400 years of silence" between Malachi and Matthew (New Testament).

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Isadore Labadie

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15y ago

4004 BC Adam and Eve's first two children are born, Cain and Abel (Gen. 4). Cain kills Abel (Ibid.)

3900 Enoch is born, Cain's first son. Seth is born to Adam and Eve. Irad, Cain's first grandchild, is born (Gen. 4).

3400 Enoch, the great, great, great, grandchild of Seth, is born. At this same general time period, Methuselah was born (Gen. 5)

3000 Noah is born (ca. 2948 B.C., Gen. 5: 29).

2500 Noah's sons are both, Shem, Ham, and Jepheth (Gen. 6: 9). It was about this time that Noah was commissioned to build the Ark (Gen. 6).

2350 The flood waters cover the entire earth (Gen. 7). (James Ussher suggest 2349 as the flood date, the Samaritan Pentateuch has 2998, the Hebrew Bible has 2288, and the Septuagint lists 3246 has the date of the flood). Noah's three sons began to repopulate the earth (Gen. 9: 1).

2300 The Tower of Babel and its destruction (Gen. 11). The confusion of tongues and the scattering of the people.

2000 The death of Noah (ca. 1998 B. C., Gen. 9: 28, 29).

1920 The call of Abram occurs at about this time (Gen. 12: 1). Abram and Lot depart Haran, as God instructed. God promised to make a great nation (Gen. 12). A son is promised to Abram (Gen. 15).

1890 The destruction of Sodom, Gomorrah and the cities of the plain (Gen. 19). The birth of Isaac, Abram's promised son (Gen. 19, 21: 3).

1872 Abraham is put to a test regarding Isaac (Gen. 22).

1730 Joseph is sold to the Midianites and his consequent experiences that result in him becoming a ruler in Egypt (Gen. 37 - 47).

1680 The Book of Genesis comes to a close, having covered approximately 2300 years of history.

1571 Moses is born . Moses is adopted into the Egyptian royal court.

1491 The call of Moses and his commission (the burning bush experience, Ex. 2). The ten plagues (Ex. 7 - 12). Israel is liberated from Egyptian bondage (Ex. 12 ff.). The giving of the Ten Commandment Law (Ex. 20, some provide the date of 1445 for the giving of the law). Hence, after about 2, 500 years the system of Patriarchy comes to a close.

1451 The death of Moses (Deut. 34). Joshua is appointed as Moses' successor (Josh. 1).

1425 The Abrahamic land promise is realized (Gen. 12; Josh. 24).

1400 The beginning of the judges and their governing of Israel, covering about 305 years (ca. 1095 B. C., see Judges 1 - I Samuel 8).

1095 The appointment of Saul to be King of Israel (I Sam. 10, some have 1050 as the date).

1063 David defeats Goliath (I Sam. 17).

1055 David is appointed King (2 Sam. 2, some have 1010 B. C.).

1015 Solomon, David's son, is appointed King (I Kgs. 1, 2, some believe 970 is the more likely time for the appointment of Solomon).

992 The Queen of Sheba visits Solomon (I Kgs. 10).

975 Solomon's death and Rehoboam succeeds Solomon to the throne (I Kgs. 12, some have 931 as the date). The Kingdom is divided. When Solomon died, the fight for his throne results in the twelve tribes of Israel dividing, creating the Great Schism. The two southern tribes, Benjamine and Judah, maintaining Jerusalem as their capital, become "The Kingdom of Judah" under the reign of Rehoboam. He reigns 17 years. The ten northern tribes of Israel revolt, becoming "The Kingdom of Israel" under the rulership of Jeroboam. He reigns 21 years. Israel's continues, with 19 Kings from the reign of Solomon, for 254 years. Israel makes Samaria its capitol.

722 The Assyrians capture Samaria and take Israel captive (cp. 2 Chroni. 33, end of the Kingdom of Israel).

597 Jerusalem is captured by Babylon (cp. 2 Chroni. 36).

536 First group returns from captivity (see Ezra 2).

458 The second group returns from bondage (Ezra 8).

444 The walls of Jerusalem are rebuilt under the leadership of Nehemiah (Nehe. 1-7).

398 The completion of the 39 books that constitute the "Old Testament" see Malachi). This date began the "400 years of silence" between Malachi and Matthew (New Testament).

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