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Some in Christianity would say yes, however, others would say Jesus is the Word of the Old Testament (see John 1:1-4) and is now sitting at the right hand of God the Father. These would say that the Holy Spirit is the 'force' emitted by both the Father and Son sustaining everything (see Romans 8:9).

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Q: Is Jesus the personification of God the Father and the Holy Spirit?
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Is the Holy Spirit Jesus's father?

No. Jesus distinguishes pretty clearly between the Father and the Holy Spirit.

Jesus is the Holy Spirit?

No. Jesus distinguishes pretty clearly between the Father and the Holy Spirit.

When you are led?

led to by the holy spirit. Father, Son, Holy spirit . Father - God , Son - Jesus Christ , Holy spirit - what jesus left when he died on the cross and went to be with his father-God, in heaven he left his spirit which we call holy spirit to guide us, and we be led by the holy spirit.

Who are the three persons in the holy trinity?

Well, they are Persons, not things. The Trinity is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

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No way, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are just different forms of the same God. Trinity= Father+Son(Jesus)+ Holy Spirit. Jesus was not possessed by anyone or anything.

Can you have the holy spirit with you but not in you?

No, when you accept Jesus Christ, you get the Holy Spirit inside of you thus, your body becomes the temple of the Holy Spirit. You cannot have the Holy Spirit with you, just in you. When you sin, and you have accepted Jesus Christ, you feel bad because the Holy Spirit inside of you is sad because you sinned. The Holy Spirit is Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ is the Father, God. They are one.

In the name of the father spirit and holy ghost?

Yes; the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is Jesus.

On what new testament occasion were the holy spirit god the father and jesus all present at the same time?

At Jesus' baptism: the Holy Spirit descended in the form of a dove and the Father's voice was heard.

Who is the third person in the doctrine of the Blessed Trinity?

Holy Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. God the Holy Spirit is the 3rd person.3

How many Americans believe in God but not Jesus?

Jesus is God, He is part of the Holy Trinity. The Holy Trinity is the God,the Father, Jesus, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

3 aspects of god?

The three aspects of God are God the father, God the son (Jesus Christ), and The Holy Spirit. I think that this is what you meant by asking and I hope I was helpful!

Who did they worship in Christianity?

Jesus Christ aka God. The Holy Trinity was The Father(god) The Son(Jesus) And the Holy Spirit.