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Yes Allah was the one who choose him to be a profit.

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Q: Is Jesus a profit
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Who first born mahamad profit or Jesus Christ?

Jesus Christ. Muhammed was born about 570 AD.

How did Muhammad viewed Moses and Jesus?

he believed that when Moses came, everyone should've followed him, and he had a same point of view for Jesus. what he said was that Jesus and Moses were the profits before him and now that he came everyone should follow him as the last profit

What are the most famous Jesus quotes?

Some of the most famous Jesus quotes are "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." and "What shall profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul."

Is Mcdonalds a non-profit or profit?

Starbucks is a for profit company.

What does profit margin mean?

Profit margin means the amount of profit you make measured in a percentage. This can include:Gross Profit marginNet Profit marginMarkup Profit margin

What do Muslims believe about Jesus?

Muslims believe that Jesus is one the five greatest God prophets; namely Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (peace be upon them). They believe that Jesus was a prophet supported by miracles from God as proof for the Jews that he is God prophet. He was not crucified but his resemblance was thrown on another person who betrayed Jesus. Jesus was raised bodily to the Heaven by God the Al-Mighty and will be back again to earth to defeat tyranny and corruption on earth. Refer to question below.

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McDonald's is a for profit company. It is not a nonprofit or a not for profit, which are synonyms.

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Profit, profit and profit.

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How do you calculate profit margins?

Gross Profit Margin = Gross Profit/Revenues Net Profit Margin = Net Profit/Revenues

What are the two types of profit?

Gross profit and Nett profit