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In the fourth century, Emperor Constantine's mother, Helena, looked for holy relics in Palestine and with amazing success. A scholar has commented on her discoveries, made "with miraculous aid seldom now vouchsafed to archaeologists." One of her most outstanding discoveries was said to be the cross that Jesus died on.

Bishop Macarius of Jerusalem established beyond all doubt that it was the true cross by placing a sick woman on each of the three crosses that Helena unearthed. The woman immediately became well when she lay on the cross that belonged to Jesus.

Helena had a magnificant church constructed on the spot, and placed a piece of the cross in the church. She also had pieces of the cross placed in other churches built elsewhere in the Roman Empire. Most of these relics still exist.

Of course, it could be said that Helena's cross was not the true cross, and that she used the opportunity to promote Christianity, in which case, one of the many other true crosses found in medieval times may be the true one. There are many pieces of the cross of Jesus, located in various churches and collections.

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There are allegedly remnants around...

No. Its remains have not been discovered. As it is historically believed to be wood, it is likely decayed by now.

There was certainly no one interested in preserving it at the time. Jesus' followers were scattered and terrified, and those who did stay were only interested in his body, not the simple instrument of torture used to kill him.

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Q: Is Jesus' cross still around
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