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More than a fifth of the world's population believes it is.

Answer 2

Inevitably a Muslim will answer yes to this question while a Christian or Jew will most likely answer no. It depends on personal perspective and the beliefs you were brought up with. There are universal truths in all religions and ideologies however I don't think it's possible to empirically prove any one of them as the outright truth. Everyone sees what they want to see and people always find reasons as to why they are right and everyone else is wrong.


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12y ago

believing in the 1 God, we dont believe in killing,stealing,or hating. But the Media says othwise. We dont believe in the big bang theroy cause if we were a 'mistake' then were do we go when we die...? Try doing research on Islam and the people that follow it (muslims) instead of believing the Media.

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Islamic forces defeated the forces of Mecca.

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4y ago

It is true, If you read the Quran you will see that it tells about the future. Quran told us about the signs of Judgement day, it tells us about the first sign which is about a spreadable disease which will kill a lot of people. This prophecy is true, now we have the Corona Virus. That means the Quran is true and it is not written and It is the Book Of God.

La ilaha illalla hu Muhammadur Rasoollulah

Allahu Akbar !!!

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Is Islam a true religion?

AnswerAll genuine religions are true religions, by definition, whether or not the God or gods they worship are really true. So, Islam is a true religion, as are Judaism, Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism, Hinduism and so on. Ony in rare instances, such as Scientology, is there a case for saying that this is not a true religion.AnswerEvery believer considers his or her religion to be the true religion.A:By definition, all religions are true religions, except perhaps Pastafarianism.As to whether the teachings of Islam are true, that is unprovable. Muslims believe it to be true, perhaps Christians and Jews believe it contains elements of truth, and others say there is no underlying truth in Islam.

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The true leader of Islam was prophet Muhammed pbuh. where he was the last prophet and the one who had the quran from God. He is the most beloved from Muslims all over the world.