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Never ever. Islam is God religion since start of universe creation and even before. Islam calls for peace, doing good deeds for humanity, and good morals. Islam is never related to terrorism. Refer to questions below for more details.

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Q: Is Islam a curse on the earth?
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Who is the creator of the heaven and earth in Islam?

ALLAh is the creator of heaven and earth in islam.....

Does Islam believe in eternal life on earth?

No. Islam stands for an eternal life but not on earth. Islam says that the eternal life will either be in Hell or Paradise.

Who did Islam believe created the earth?

Islam believed that God but not Jesus created earth. They believe that God is not Jesus.

Who sings one last time to reverse this curse?

Escape From Earth

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What is the purpose of the Sun to the earth and the moon?

to give the moon and earth ice cream of curse melted because it is hot

What does Islam say about the beginning of the Earth?

Allah(swt) created the earth(s) and the skies

What was the year of christian calendar when Islam started?

Islam started with age of Adam on earth {Islamic point of view } .

How long has Islam been around?

Islam is as long on earth as the arrival of Prophet AdamA,A.S.

Is it allowed in Islam to enter the penis into the buttock of wife for sexual pleasure?

No, this is strictly forbidden, to the extent that Allah's curse is on the husband and wife that engage in anal sex

Which is the ancient religion on earth?

ISLAM is the encient religion on starts from HAZRAT AADAM ,the first man on earth .this may be confusing because we think ISLAM starts from HAZRAT MUHAMMAD[PEACE BE UPON HIM]Actually ISLAM means to obey all the teachings of ALLAH.

What areas are influenced by the spread of Islam?

nearly all regions of earth have Muslim people and Islam is spreading all over the world.