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It is. The Catholic Church believes that the Blessed Virgin Mary was immaculately conceived in the womb of her mother, Saint Anne. This immaculate conception has nothing to do with virgin birth. It means that Mary was conceived in the usual manner - by the coming together as husband and wife of her mother and father - but that, unlike nearly all other human beings, Mary's soul remained untouched by the stain of original sin from the first moment she came into being. This was an extraordinary occurence - a singular grace - and a miracle. For the rest of us all carry in our souls the shadow of the sin of our first parents, Adam and Eve. We all struggle to do what is right. We all fall short. At one time or another, we all lie to ourselves, jump to conclusions, get the wrong idea, mentally curse someone out, get fed up, cop a bad attitude, wake up on the wrong side of the bed, snap at the ones we love, fudge the truth a little, slack off here and there, fall down on the job, put someone on our "list". We can't help it. Part of what it means to be human is to have the weakness that Adam and Eve bestowed on us when they disobeyed God. Mary was different. She never experienced any of these flaws. She was miraculously preserved from these in anticipation of Jesus' incarnation. So ordinarily, immaculate conception isn't possible. But with Mary it was. The Catholic Church celebrates this miracle on December 8 of each year, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.

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13y ago

Immaculate Conception refers to the Blessed Virgin Mary being conceived without Original Sin. It has nothing to do with virgin birth. All things are possible with God.

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