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Literally 'kafir' in Arabic means 'one who hides'. It was used in the early days of Islam for idol worshipers who hid the truth of one God. In the current age it is just a terminology for people who do not believe in any form of God. Christians Jews and certain Hindus who believe in One Almighty All Powerful God or Ishwar are not Kafirs.

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What are the ratings and certificates for Kafir - 2007?

Kafir - 2007 is rated/received certificates of: Turkey:G

Do Muslims to take as leader a kafir?

A kafir can not lead Muslims. Only a Muslim can lead Muslims.

What is a kafir woman?

In Islam a "Kafir" is a person who does not recognize God or the propehthood of Muhammad. A heritic, or an unbeleiver. A non Muslim. A "Kafir Woman" would be just that, a woman who does not follow Islam.

What is the meaning of kafir in Hindi?

Kafir is a Arabic word that means one who don't believe in god or one who don't believe in right(true) god. In Hindi we can say kafir as 'nastik' & 'adharmi'

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Why shia kafir?

shia Muslims are not Kafir. this is a propaganda made by some extremist Muslims who do Takfir. (Wahhabi Muslims)

What is opposite of the Arabic word kafir?

The opposite of the Arabic word kafir is "believer" or "mu'min." Kafir refers to someone who denies or rejects the faith, while mu'min refers to someone who believes in and upholds the faith.

What has the author Ilan Kafir written?

Ilan Kafir has written: 'Sharon' -- subject(s): Biography, Prime ministers, Generals, Pictorial works

What needs to be in a mosque?

A Muslim or a muslimah not a kafir or infidel

What actors and actresses appeared in Kafir - 2007?

The cast of Kafir - 2007 includes: Gokhan Kucuk as Rocker Serkan Ozturk as Bad Guy Mustafa Payat as Abdulkadir Kerem Sahin as Ilyas

Can a shia Muslim ask dua for kafir?

As Muslims, we should ask for blessings upon our Muslim brethren first before giving dua to kafir. Of course, the dua is fine, but may not be accepted by Allah (SWT).

5 letter words beginning with k?

kafir its a word