Colin Fisk had a magic box and certain books of full knowledge. Colin is a child molesting, racist, woman hating svengali.
out of desperation for having got addicted to using his magic box for seering into the future and the past, whenever in all parallel worlds, also being able to pass objects through box including his arm, hence the only poltergiest ability...
For getting in bits of trouble here and there, this is Colin, had to control it, everything he touched it threefold messed up. before long he had to set himself up as Jesus, of course had to create a creature to help him with stopping time to fit millions of years controlling the planet to keep his back passage coverred...
not only burnt out his soul but made himself the devil as well.
posted by R.Sutherland
In both the Old and New Testaments, God spoke to Jesus in an audible voice. At Jesus' baptism in the New Testament, God's voice was heard affirming Jesus as His Son. In the Old Testament, on the Mount of Transfiguration, God's voice was also heard confirming Jesus' identity.
Actually it was Moses and Elijah talking with Jesus and God's voice was heard. This was with the disciples Peter, James and John. see Matthew 17:1-8,Mark9:2-13,Luke 9:28-36.
The voice of God came down from heaven and said He was pleased with Jesus.
In Christian theology, Jesus did not "become" God. Jesus always was, and is, and always will be, God. (Cf. John 1:1: "In the beginning was the Word [a term for Jesus], and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.") In some kinds of Gnosticism, Jesus was Just Some Guy who may or may not have become divine, but the details depend on the specific branch of Gnosticism you're talking about
you are stupid this is the bible we're talking about god is right god is good I'm talking about Jesus not any other god.
He prayed by talking to his Heavenly Father the Lord our God.
Jesus is part of the trinity;in Hebrews 1:8-14,it talks about God(Father) talking to God(Jesus); which is confusing,but it supports the idea of Jesus believing in the trinity.
Jesus is the only Son of God. God transformed into a human just for us and came down to earth to save us from eternal death. God is Jesus, Jesus is God.
The Kingdom of God is inside you and all around you! Jesus said it is My voice you hear.
Judaism does not believe Jesus is the son of god or the messiah. Islam believes in Jesus, just that he is not the son of God but a prophet like Muhammad.
It was meant to be special because the "Heavens opened" and the Holy Spirit came down in the form of a Dove. Then a voice said "This is my son with who I am pleased with". This voice was potrayed to be the voice of God. It was after this point where Jesus began performing miracles, too.
When you pray it is like you are talking to God. When you pray it is just you and God, and everything else should be out of your mind.