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Opinion No Christianity, because it is based on an eternal God and Saviour, cannot become obsolete. Down through the ages, men have attempted to destroy Christianity and The Bible, but have never succeeded and neither will they. In fact, wherever persecution has been strongest Christianity has spread and prospered.

Because God's Word contains both general or specific principles and directions for any situation that could occur, it has freshness, relevance, and application in any era. The truths are eternal rather than temporal in nature. No statement or event in the Bible have ever been proven wrong (as opposed to statements made or interpreted by men). The practical advice and wisdom is still applicable today.

Christianity is not nor cannot become truly obsolete whether or not people turn away from it. The Bible predicts a turning away from Christianity towards the end of time. Many believe this may be happening.

What may be coming obsolete is a certain type of so-called Christianity that goes through the motions of worship but does not have any substance or life in it, and belief is absent. People turn away from this in droves since it is devoid of any meaning and seen to be hypocritical. This is closely related to the individuals who have past and present given Christianity as a whole a bad name since they purported to be Christians as a cover for their own selfish and evil intents.Such individuals may damage the Christian witness and cause many to turn away, but cannot make Christianity itself irrelevant.

The truths of Christianity stand the tests of time and are timeless in their relevance. Right will always be right and wrong will always be wrong no matter whether the definition changes over time and is beyond obselescence. God will continue to call and accept people until He returns and there are many who still experience the reality of His presence and working in their lives that defies all other explanation. These people know beyond any doubt the powerful relevance in this age of Christ that cannot be understood by those who have not experienced this. Lives that are completely turned from unspeakable evil to holy living, or extreme unbelief to professing Christian are testiment to the present day relevance of Christianity whether popular and trendy or not.

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8y ago

Christianity is becoming obsolete for some people, but not for others. The most that can be said is that Christianity is becoming less relevant with the passage of time.
Many people now realise that the Bible is not a literal record of past events. They realise that the creation accounts in Genesis are really only allegorical and that supposed historical events such as the biblical Exodus did not really happen. They understand that miracles do not really happen and that admonitions to love your enemy have never stopped Christians from pursuing wars and persecution. These people realise that there is no evidence that God even exists, and no longer find meaning in religious belief. For them, Christianity has become obsolete.

Other people find spiritual comfort in Christianity. These people are convinced that God exists and that Christianity still has a valid message. For them, Christianity has not become obsolete.

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14y ago

Not really, just more Christians are becoming complacent.

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