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A christian home is just the same as any other home and you would think it as normal as anything.

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Q: Is Christian home or Christian house found in the Bible?
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What things are found in the christian home?

It depends where you live. In rich countries it's usually gold crosses and themed decorations.In opressed countries it's generally a battered bible under the floorboards and some secret police.Answer:I disagree with the first answer. What is in a Christian's home depends on what that specific Christian wants in his home. Some will not even have a cross hung on a wall but may have a picture of the Lord instead or may have nothing on the walls at all.God (Jesus) indwells the believers body, the house is nothing but a place to eat and sleep.

Who is Agganon in The Bible?

I was born and raised in a Christian home, my Father was a very religious person, I studied the "Christian" Bible regularly and have no recollection of any such name being referenced in the Christian Bible.After doing extensive research, I have found no reference to Agganon in any bible, though the name in American Society does appear regularly, though it's spelled Aganon.I will continue to research this name, but as of the writing of this, I can find no reference to such a name in any "Bible".

How will a christian use a bible at home?

they will use it to protected them from any harm that could acure in life

Where can you download a free audio Bible?

House and Home offers a great free dramatized audio bible in mp3 format.

What is christian resurch and fellowship?

It is a home based fellowship. Kinda like a church but in a house and more fun and laidback. It is a ggroup dedicated to the correct interpretation of the bible. Very nice and friendly people. I'll ddefinitely go again.

What does home represent in swing low sweet chariot?

"Home" is a metaphor for heaven in this African-American spiritual. In the Old Testament of the Judeo-Christian Bible, Elijah was taken home in a chariot.

What 250 words are found in hieronymus bosch?

house he her home

Where can information about home remodeling be found?

This Old House is a website and magazine that offers ideas and advice on home remodelling and home improvements. It can give you advice on remodelling all rooms in your house, and the exterior of your house.

The home of Hans Christian Andersen?

Hans Christian Andersen's home was in Denmark, specifically in the city of Copenhagen. Known as the Hans Christian Andersen House, it was where the famous fairy tale author lived for many years and is now a museum dedicated to his life and works.

What are some software options for home Bible study?

One of the best home Bible study software options is Logos Bible Software which can be found at It offers you all of the study tools you need. Other options include Parsons Bible Study Software (, Bible Explorer (which is free at, PC Bible Study ( and Bible Works (

What are some things in the home that begin with the letter Q?

Quarter strap shoes are a clothing item found in the house. A quilt is an item in the house. Quaker Life cereal are foods found in the house.

Can a teacher be fired if marijuana is found in their home?

No not in their house , but in there class room yes.