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The True Faith has to have four marks; One, Holy, Catholic or Universal, and Apostolic. The Catholic Church has these four marks. One meaning: one Church, united in Faith and Worship, and is in succession from the Apostles themselves.

Holy meaning: The Church is perfect, flawless, and is the spotless Bride of Christ. Even though the Catholic Church is made up of sinners, the Church itself is Holy. Catholic or Universal meaning: The Church can be found everywhere. In Rome, a suburban Parish, in the Amazon Jungle, yet they are all completely united under Christ. Apostolic meaning: You can trace back her descent all the way back to the first Apostles. The Catholic Church validly claims succession from the Apostles themselves.

Also, the Catholic Church was not made by man, but by Christ Himself. Other Churches, the Anglican was founded by King Henry VIII, and the Lutheran Church was founded by Martin Luther. Man is not perfect, so why would one want to follow a Church made by a man. One would rather follow a Church that Jesus Christ Himself made, I would think.


Catholic AnswerOf course, and the answer above explains the marks of the true Church, which are recited in the Creed each week, very well. Catholicism is the only faith (after Judaism, of which it is a fulfillment and a continuation) which was instituted by God, Himself. Established by His Son coming to earth, teaching, and then dying on the Cross and sending the Holy Spirit. Our Blessed Lord, through His Apostles, His Church, and His Scriptures, explained that the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church is His Mystical Body, and His Bride, of which there can be only One. He has guaranteed it until the end of time, and made it the one way in which Salvation may be procured.
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Catholics do believe that the Catholic Church is the only true faith.

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