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Q: Is Baumstark a Jewish name
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It can be a Jewish name, but as in most Jewish surnames, it can also be a non-Jewish name.

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Goldston can be a Jewish name, but is not always a Jewish name.

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Although it is not a Jewish surname in its origin, any name can be a Jewish name if it is the name of a Jewish person

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Any name is is a Jewish name since anyone can choose to be Jewish.

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Any name is is a Jewish name since anyone can choose to be Jewish.

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Although Salada is not a Jewish surname in its origin, any name can be a Jewish name if it is the name of a Jewish person.

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Although Howell is not a stereotypically Jewish surname, any name can be a Jewish name if it is the name of a Jewish person.

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Burton is not usually a Jewish name, but any name can be Jewish if it is used by someone who is Jewish.

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The name Tara is not specifically Jewish, but a Jewish person can have any name.