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As true as any religion is....

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Q: Is Adventist is a true religion of God also?
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Is it true that God has no religion?

no ofc..god made all he believe in all

Who is oldest god in all religion?

There is only one true God.

What is the motto of Brisbane Adventist College?

Brisbane Adventist College's motto is 'Everything with God'.

What religion claims there is but one god and Allah is his name?

Islam. The true religion.

That churh of god is the true religion?

Yes, every religion for heavenly father is true.

Who created the clohing brand true religion?

Definitely not God!

Unanswered questions about religion?

The one true religion is revealed in the Bible. In the first verse, it says, ''In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.'' that answers the question of who created the universe, but also clearly answers the question of is there even a god.

What is A Sabbath School?

Sabbath school is where you go before church starts and learn more one-on-one things about God and the religion. (POV from a Seventh Day Adventist) Sabbath school may be different in the Jewish religion.

What is true about Roman religion beliefs?

Roman religion beliefs were as true and as untrue as those of any other religion in the world today. All religion is based on faith, not on verifiable truth. Because faith is unverifiable, if there is a supreme god then that supreme god is equally likely to be Jupiter as the Christian God or the Hindu Brahma.

If there is only one true god then what about Zeus and Ares?

"One True God" refers to the religion known as Judaism, or one of its branches - such as Christianity, Zeus and Ares are gods from the ancient Greek religion.

Does god have a religion?

Agnostic view: If the existence of God is true, we do not know what religion he advocates.God himself would not have the need for a religion, though. He would simply advocate and promote one.

Who is people who have know religion?

Individuals who do not acknowledge a God and/or a religion can be referred to as atheists. Those who simply state that they do not know whether there is a God or whether there is a "true religion" are referred to as agnostic.