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Currently the words Christian Science as a religion discovered by Mary Baker Eddy, is Christian. The words Christian science as a means of belief about science as based on a fundamentalist Christian interpretation of The Bible is also Christian. The diversity of the word Christian is not one of restriction. When one considers the first use of the word Christian was in Antioch was a freedom from restrictive beliefs imposed on those who believed in One God by Judaism which considered certain people or practices to be "unclean" while Peter was told by God in a vision that "what God has cleansed, that call not ... unclean." Similarly we can say that as one has understanding of God as one God and Jesus as the Christ, then those who hold those beliefs are Christian.

Answer'Christian Science' is not a Christian religion. True Christianity is centred on Christ: get that wrong and it is automatically not a Christian religion. True Christianity [ie not Christian Science] teaches that:

Joh 1:1-3, 14, 29, 35-37, 40-41 MKJV (v.1) In and the beginning was the Word,the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (v.2) He was in the beginning with God. (v.3) All things came into being through Him, and without Him not even one thing came into being that has come into being. . ...(v.14) And the Word became flesh, and tabernacled [lived] among us. And we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and of truth. ... (v.29) The next day John [that is, John the Baptist]sees Jesus coming to him and says, " Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" ... (v.35) Again, the next day afterward, John [that is, John the Baptist] stood with two of his disciples. (v.36) And looking upon Jesus as He walked, he says," Behold the Lamb of God!" (v.37) And the two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus. ...(v.40) One of the two who heard John and followed Him was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother. (v.41) He [that is, Andrew] first found his own brother Simon and said to him, "We have found the Messiah (which is, being translated, the Christ)".

In contrast, Christian Science teaches that:

"Jesus is the human man and Christ is the divine ideal" ( SH, 473:15-16)

"Not that the human Jesus was or is eternal...not one with the Father...but fleshly....Christ is "the ideal truth", "Divine Idea", "reflection of God". The dual personality (Jesus Christ) continued until the ascension, when Jesus disappeared, while Christ continues to exist in the eternal order of Divine Science taking away the sins of the world." (see SH, 333:32, 334:1)

God warns of this:-

1Jn 2:22-23, 26 GNB (v.22) Who, then, is the liar? It is those who say that Jesus is not the Messiah. Such people are the Enemy of Christ---they reject both the Father and the Son. (v.23) For those who reject the Son reject also the Father; those who accept the Son have the Father also. ... (v.26) I am writing this to [warn] you about those who are trying to deceive you.

(And that is only one of their errors.) Christian Science may call itself 'Christian' but it is not.

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