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Biblically speaking, the line of witnesses of Jehovah runs all the way back to faithful Abel, who lived some 6000 years ago. (Hebrews 11:1-12:1) Today, The Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses is a legally recognized religious organization around the world in most countries. We are active in some 236 countries and provinces, and aproximately 200 of these countries recognize us. To determine the year of recognition would depend on what country you are referring to, since recognition has come at different times in different countries. There are still yet aproximately 35 or so countries that have as yet not legally recognized Jehovah's Witnesses, and legal procedures are being carried out in many countries to try to obtain legal recognition, however, results are dissappointing in most of those countrires. As a result, there are many cases of atrocities committed against JW's by government athorities in those countries.

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Q: In what year did Jehovah's Witnesses become a recognized religion?
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hi yes jehovahs witnesses can go into the entertainment buisness i know cos i am a jehovahs witness!! i dont know if justin beiber is tho usher was seen with prince at a assembly wich is a event we have every year to watch different elders give talks and watch dramas and where every one watches people who have chose get baptised its every year and usher was seen whith prince. but justin beiber??...........

Are jehovahs witnesses brain washed?

Many would say they are. Quite a few witnesses say "They are glad they are" because before they became JWs their brain was full of dirty thoughts etc. and their brains needed washing! In reality, it takes a huge amount of study to become a witness and they enter and get baptized of their own free will. Many highly intelligent people are witnesses. So the objective answer is no they are not.

How does a religion become recognized in Ontario?

I believe a shared belief can be officially classified as a religion once it has at least 50 official followers. Like Jedi.

Can a person that smoked drugs make a good witness?

It doesnt matter what you did before you become a Jehovahs Witness. Anyone can be accepted no mater what their background. But, in order to become and be a good Jehovahs Witness you can not continue to smoke and do drugs.

Did the Jehovah's Witnesses become official in 1931?

No, as an organized group Jehovah's Witnesses were a recongnized religion long before this date however 1931 was when this group (formally know as "bible students" or IBSA International Bible Students Association) formally adopted the name of JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES.

Has one of Jehovah's Witnesses ever left their religion to become a Catholic?

Yes, it must have happened on occassions; it no doubt would be somewhat rare however since many Jehovah's Witnesses profess to have actually been Catholics prior to their joining the Jehovah's Witnesses. There are no records of how many current Catholics were once Jehovah's Witnesses.

Can a man who is divorced and from the Jehovah's witnesses and is now a catholic become a deacon?

I will try to answer your question. If someone has left the Jehovah's Witness faith and no longer claims to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses, he can do as he pleases. However, Jehovah's Witnesses do not participate in inter-faith activities, so he cannot be one of Jehovah's Witnesses and a member of another religion.

Can Jehovah's Witnesses study and become doctors?

Yes, Jehovah's witnesses can become Doctors. Their religion does not give dictation about their career choices.Further education, particularly involving university/college degrees, however, is discouraged amongst Jehovah's Witnesses and so it would in practice be very rare to see one studying to become a doctor.

How can you tell an apostate Jehovah's Witness?

Jehovah's Witnesses feel that someone has become an "apostate" if they were once a baptized member of their religion that not only left the religion, but actively and purposely sought to either make the religion appear evil, or draw others out of the religion as well. They feel this is the act of sinning against the holy spirit as described at Matthew 12:31,32. If someone identifies themselves as a former member of the religion, and is actively trying to turn other people away from the religion, that would be a way to identify what Jehovah's Witnesses would consider an apostate.

How many people become Jehovah's witness via bible study?

ANSWER FROM ONE OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES... In the Service year of 2010 the reported total number of people being Baptised is 294.368 (From the 2011 year book of Jehovah's Witnesses). Most of this number would have come from people who were having a study with Jehovah's Witnesses... The Watchtower does not publish the number of people who become Witnesses via Bible study and it is not a statistic that gets recorded. The official website of Jehovah's Witnesses' latest statistics gives a total of 294,368 baptisms. (see link below)There were, on average, just over 8 million Bible studies reported. In my experience most people become baptized as Witnesses after having been born into the religion.