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The mystery of the blessed Trinity is central to our faith because it is referring to the mystery of God being three people, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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Q: In what ways is the mystery of the blessed trinity central to our faith?
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What is the central mystery of catholic faith?

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The church feast after Pentecost is called Trinity Sunday. It is observed on the Sunday following Pentecost to honor the Christian belief in the Trinity - the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It serves as a reminder of the central mystery of the Christian faith.

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The mystery of the Holy Trinity. The Christian doctrine of the Trinity teaches the unity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as three persons in one Godhead.

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Catholics believe the Trinity is God in Three Persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost in One God. They believe that each Person in the Blessed Trinity is equal to the others in Godhead, that all have existed forever and will continue forever. The theology of the Holy Trinity is one of the most complex and ultimately unfathomable truths of the Catholic Faith and is hence one of the most intimate and fundamental doctrines of Catholic belief.

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presently 'Trinity'

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St. Patrick uses the shamrock (Irish word for clover- like plant) to explain the Trinity. The Shamrock, like American clover, has three leaves.

What is the central mystery of Christian faith and life?

Your question has multiple answers, as Christianity has multiple central mysteries. One mystery is, "How can we be strong through our weaknesses?" (e g "Blessed are the meek," "He who wishes to lose his life will save it."). Another is, "How can we die and be born again?" Another is, "How can God exist if people suffer?" Another is, "How can Jesus be both man and God?" I guess the final one, most central to Christianity, is, "How can Jesus be the Messiah if he allowed himself to die?"

Who is an example of a current day pascal mystery?

A Paschal Mystery is a part of the Christian faith central concept of salvation. It pertains to the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. An example of a current day Paschal Mystery would be Easter Sunday and Lent.

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The motto of Trinity Broadcasting Network is 'Worlds Largest Faith Channel'.

Why is the blessed trinity the central mystery of our catholic faith?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe doctrine of the Blessed Trinity is a mystery because it is beyond our understanding. We can understand one person with two natures: we are persons with a spirit and a body. Our nature as spirit is the thing that animates our bodies. Our spirit learns through our body, but when the spirit leaves the body, it dies. The Blessed Trinity is Three Persons in One Nature. The One Nature is God, it is Divine, but it has Three Persons. So it is a mystery. We only know of it because it was revealed to us by God, Himself.