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Many attributes make Islam unique. Some of them are:

  • Islam is an Arabic word that means submission. The Arabic root of Islam is 'salem' that means 'be in peace'. In other words, Islam, in its universal sense, is the religion of submission to God, the Creator, and by submission to God, the only one God, you achieve peace between yourself and the whole universe that are part of. This explains that Islam is the religion and call of all God prophets since start of mankind. However,
    • Islam per God revelation of Torah to prophet Moses is called Judaism,
    • Islam per God revelation of The Bible to prophet Jesus is called Christianity, and
    • Islam per God revelation of the Quran to prophet Muhammad is called the very name Islam.
  • The Islam religion holy book Quran, Muslims holy book, is the only holy book that remains without single letter alteration. The only holy book that reflects God real words with the same God revelation language that is still live language. Quran is the only holy book that is memorized by heart by millions of people from east to west. In addition, Quran is the last holy book. Quran is the only holy book with scientific miracles that was possible to be proved only with current advances in science and technology to add proofs to Quran authenticity as God revelation.
  • Prophet Muhammad, who is the God messenger to call for Islam per God revelation of Quran to him, is the last God prophet. Accordingly, he is the only prophet who is really adopted by all people, Muslims and non Muslims, as the true mankind model of good morals in life, dealing with people, marriage, ruling, etc.. He is the only prophet with all his sayings and practices are fully recorded for follow up and adoption.
  • Islam is the only religion that believes in all God prophets and in all God holy books.
  • Islam is the religion of pure truth and logistics and calls all people to the scientific approach of thinking.
  • Islam is the only religion that provides rules for all your life aspects and in balance between normal life requirements and the second eternal good life requirements and balance between ritual worship and work for humankind benefit.

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What makes this religion so unique is that is very peaceful and that they only follow what they believe is right.


Every religion is in some way unique. And the followers of every religion believe that they only follow what they believe is right. The uniqueness of Islam is more than this.

It is true that the decision of the Islamic government of Sudan, to allow the southern Christian and animist people of the nation the free choice whether to form a new country, is evidence that Muslims can be a peaceful people, and this is a credit to the followers of Islam. But against this there are always examples to the contrary, such as the wanton shooting of a Pakistani governor merely for speaking out for a woman accused of blasphemy. There are not enough peaceful Muslims in the world, just as there are not enough peaceful Christians in the world.

Islam can certainly claim to be unique because it is said that the angel Gabriel taught the Koran to the Prophet Muhammad. Unfortunately for this premise, Christianity will say that there is no real evidence that this happened.

Muslims will say that Muhammad was the last prophet of God. But Baha'i, Sikhism and Mormonism all offer more recent prophets of God.

Perhaps it is enough just to say that all religions are unique, each in its own way, all religions offer their followers spiritual fulfilment, and all religions should be treated with due respect and admiration.

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15y ago

The difference is summerised in the statement: " There is no god worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah". The purpose creation of human is to Worship Allah alone. Key: differences are that: 1. Believing Allah is The Creator and He is the only one to be worshipped. Not associating partners with Allah. Worshiping anything other then Allah is considered as association of partner to Allah. In Islam there is no crime bigger then associating partners with Allah And that is the only sin Allah DO NOT FORGIVE and He forgives anything other than that. Association of partner with Allah makes one Kafir (non-believer).

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The main belief that makes Islam unique is the witness that no god Except one and only one God with no partner, no son, no father, no companion and no associate and that Muhammad is His prophet and Messenger to whom was Allah (God in English) revelation of the holy book Quran that reflects the real God words in its original Arabic language. Refer to question below for more information.

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13y ago

Well I know because I am a Muslim

Being a Muslim is different from other religions, because Muslims believe that God has no son and that Jesus was merely a prophet (pbh).

Christians believe God has a son and that is Jesus.

Muslims make their religion a 'whole life experience'. Everything they say and do is steeped in religious ceremony, prayer and submission.

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12y ago

Dear asker, Prayers are the main defference bettween islam and any other reilgion. Besides many other things, but I really don't consider as Main but can't consider them as not important.

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10y ago

Islam is different from other world religions in that it originated mainly from the Middle East and South East Asia.

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