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The Rabbis (Pharisees) emphasized personal piety and adherence to the ethics implicit in the laws of the Torah, while the Saducees emphasized the Temple in Jerusalem and the obligations of Jews to undertake pilgrimages and make sacrifices there. When Rome destroyed the Temple in the year 70, the entire foundation of the Saducees' style of Judaism was destroyed, while the Rabbis ethical teachings continued to be relevant.

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Eloise Kuphal

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3y ago

The Rabbis (Pharisees) emphasized personal piety and adherence to the ethics implicit in the laws of the Torah, while the Saducees emphasized the Temple in Jerusalem and the obligations of Jews to undertake pilgrimages and make sacrifices there. When Rome destroyed the Temple in the year 70, the entire foundation of the Saducees' style of Judaism was destroyed, while the Rabbis ethical teachings continued to be relevant.

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Q: In what ways did rabbis help the Jews during the period of Roman rule?
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I think you are confused with the word "priest" in Judaism they are called Rabbis and yes Reform Jews can become Rabbis.

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The Rabbis and sages. See also:Important Jewish leaders, prophets and rabbis

Will rabbis do exorcism?

No. Most Jews do not believe in demonic possession.Answer:There are (possibly apocryphal) accounts of Rabbis doing exorcism. However, this is uncommon and definitely not standard practice.

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Judaea which means "land of the Jews" in Roman terminology.

Do conservative Jews allow women to be rabbis?

YES. Conservative Judaism has permitted the ordination of Jews since October 1983.

What does a rabbi have to wear?

Rabbis have no requirement to wear clothing that is different from other Jews. They are not priests.