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1. They began to be built to look like the courtard of Muhammads house

2. Fewer domes were added to them

3. Artwok showing people and animals werre added to them

4. They became more elaboratley decorated

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Q: In what way did mosques change as the Muslim world grew richer?
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How many mosques there are in the world?

There are 2.5 million Mosques in the world.

What is the geographic importance of Muslim world?

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The language commonly spoken in mosques varies depending on the location. Arabic is often used in mosques across the Muslim world due to its significance in Islamic texts. However, local languages may also be used, especially during sermons and community gatherings to cater to the congregation.

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Who uses mosques?

Muslims all over the world uses Mosques to worship Almighty God.

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there are too many mosques in Indonesia since it's one of the largest Islam population in the world.

What are some elaborate mosques?

Some of the most elaborate mosques in the world are the Azadi Mosque, the Ruhy Mosque, and the Al-Saleh Mosque.

How did terrorism change the world?

Oi dont be racist man I'm Muslim alright.