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Vatican City

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Q: In what independent state does the pope reside?
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Who was the second pope to stay in the Vatican?

Pope Pius XII (1939-1958) was the second pope to reside in Vatican City after it was created as an independent country in 1929.

What city in Italy does the pope live in?

The pope does not live in Italy but in Vatican City, an independent country completely surrounded by Rome, Italy.

What is the title given to the leader of the Independent State in Rome?

The Pope. He rules the Vatican, which is an independent state within the city of Rome.

Which country does the pope live in?

The pope lives in the independent city-state of Vatican City, which is totally surrounded by Rome, Italy.

In which Italian city does the pope live?

The pope lives in Vatican City which is a small, independent state located in Rome, Italy.

Where is the pope - head of the Catholic Church?

The pope lives and works in Vatican City, an independent state surrounded by Rome, Italy.

What is a pope in the Church?

The pope is the Vicar of Christ on earth and spiritual leader of the Catholic Church. He is also the head of state of Vatican City, an independent city/state.

What does the Vatican have to do with Pope Francis?

Francis lives in the Vatican and he is the head of state of this small independent country.

In what country in the world can you visit the home of the pope and the Vatican?

Vatican City, the home of the pope, is an independent city-state surrounded completely by Rome, Italy.

Why does Italy have a pope?

The pope of the entire Catholic Church lives in an independent city state called Vatican City which is surrounded by Rome, Italy. He is not just the pope of Italy but for the entire world.

Did Pope Clement VII live in the Vatican?

No, Pope Clement VII lived in Rome. Vatican City was not established as a city-state at the time. The Vatican was founded as an independent city-state in 1929.

What is Rome's role as an independent state?

Actually, Rome is not an independent state. It is the capital city of present day Italy. Within the city of Rome lies the Vatican City which is an independent state. It has all the rights of a free nation and is headed by the Supreme Pontiff or Pope.