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Revolutionaries (assuming they do not or have not yet won their revolution) can experience a number of formal and informal punishments.

In the gentlest case, they are tolerated but ostracized, an informal social punishment designed to encourage them to give up their radical ideals.

In worse cases, they may find themselves under constant surveillance, have their property seized, or find themselves imprisoned, with or without trial. They may even be executed under sedition laws, or killed outright by the military, police, or pro-government vigilantes.

All of these methods have been used recently in the contested Iranian election, among other historical instances.

In general terms, the revolutionary would be subject to the laws and disposition of those they revolted against.

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14y ago

The Common Punishment Form For The Revolutionaries was Crucifixion, the nailing of hands and feet to a wooden cross.

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I don't know i was trying to find this!

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