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The sources of the water are given in Genesis 7:11 as "the fountains of the great deep" and the windows of heaven

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Q: In the story of Noah's ark where did the water come from to cause the flood?
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How high was the water in Noahs flood?

Deep enough to float your boat.

Is the world going to be under water?

No god has promised us that he will not flood the earth , like he did at Noahs time.

When was the next rain after noahs flood?

The next rain after Noah's flood was when Moses parted the water of the red sea. This was a long while after the rains from Noah's Ark and everything they dealt with.

How is a flood and a tsunami different?

A flood is a lot of water. A tsunami is a big wave. A tsunami can cause a flood.

Would water flood cause engine sensor failure?

Driving through flood water would cause the ignition to fail and stall the engine.

What were the moral cause of the flood?

Floods are caused by water not morals.

How many cubits high did the water rise in Noahs flood?

A:A cubit is too small a measure for the biblical Flood. Taken literally, the Flood would have risen kilometres above normal sea level, to cover the whole earth, including the highest mountains in Tibet. As the flood waters receded, The Ark supposedly landed on Mount Ararat, the highest peak in the Middle East.

How did khnum become god of the flood?

cause he was the god of water and the people prayed for a flood so he gave them one

Where is Noahs Ark the Water park in Wisconsin?

wisconsin dell

Do floods cause water pollution?

yes they do. flood waters can take in rubbish into the water

What are the two factors about rainfall that cause a flood?

The WATER CYCLE and A repetative statement of evaporation.

How did the fresh water fish survive during the great flood in Noah's time wouldn't the flood cause all the water to turn into salt water?

It is just one of the many errors in the fictional story. But you are correct if a global flood that caused all the water to unite ever did happen the fresh water fish likely wouldn't even last a day. Even many salt water creatures would die as the changes of the sea level would be so drastic their environment would change greatly.