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This is a prayer. It's usually referred to as Ve-taher Libenu

Hebrew prayers don't have conventional names, and are usually named after the first word or phrase of the prayer.

It occurs at 1:14:39 in the YouTube post:

Jesus of Nazareth Full Movie 1977.

They are only singing this line of the prayer:

וטהר ליבנו לעבדך באמת

Ve'taher libenu le'ovdecha be'emet

"Purify our hearts to serve you in truth"

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Q: In the movie Jesus of Nazareth-1977 what is the name of the Hebrew song the men sing to young Jesus as they dance around him after he first reads from the Torah?
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When did the Hebrew scholars translate the Torah into Greek?

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What does the Hebrew name Torah mean?

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The Torah was translated into Greek around 270 BCE.

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