

Best Answer
A:Yes. Celibacy became the rule much later. Siricius, pope from 384 to 399, wrote two decrees concerning celibacy, eventually telling priests to stop living with their wives.


Catholic Answer

The Catholic Church has always had married priests, as a matter of fact married priests are the norm in the Eastern Rites of the Church, only the Latin Rite has a rule of only ordaining men who have taken a vow of celibacy. This has been in effect from the very beginning as St. Paul explains in 1 Corinthians 7. Over the centuries there have been different areas where Latin rite priests have had a problem following this rule and various rulings have been made in different areas to deal with the problems. But, basically from the very early Church Bishops were celibate and priests could have been either especially when Christianity was still illegal and punishable by death. See links below for a fuller discussion.

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Q: In the early Catholic Church did priests have wives?
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There is no Bishop Weeks in the Catholic Church.

How can you find married priests in the Catholic Church?

Roman Catholic priests are required to be celibate and refrain from marriage and all sexual activity including masturbation and fantasy.In the early centuries of Christianity and into the fourth century, it was not uncommon for clergy to be married and even to have children. However, after their ordination, clerics were required to be continent (i.e. refrain from sexual relations with their wives).The Council of Elvira in 306 prohibited clergy from sexual intercourse as did the Council of Nicaea in 325 and the Council of Carthage in about 390.For Orthodox Christians and Eastern Catholics, The Council of Quinisext in 692 permitted conjugal relations between priests and deacons and their wives. Therefore, married priests and deacons are the norm in Orthodoxy and Uniat Churches, but celibacy has remained the norm in Latin Rite Roman Catholicism.In certain circumstances however, Protestant or Anglican clergy who are received in the Catholic Church may be permitted to remain married and be ordained in the Catholic Church, provided their spouses consent.Therefore, only Catholic priests who have converted from another denomination could be expected to be married. In any case this is not the norm or ideal.

How is king Henry viii religious philosophy different from the catholic church?

he wanted the catholic church to let people divorce there wives and mary another if the

Why are married priests allowed?

1. They don't. If a married clergy member of another religion wishes to be a part of the Catholic clergy they may become deacons, not priests. Deacons are defined as the servants of the servants of God (Priests). You can be married when becoming a Deacon, however if you are not married before becoming a Deacon you cannot get married after the fact. Many people may confuse the two, but these jobs are very different. ---- 2. The above answer is incorrect. The Catholic Church has (and does) by special permission allow certain Anglican and Orthodox married priests who convert to Catholicism to serve as Catholic Priests.

Why do priest not marry?

It was decided in 1074 by Pope Gregory VII that anyone ordained must first pledge celibacy and married priests must leave the wives. Pope Urban II had priests wives sold into slavery, children were abandoned in 1095. In 1123 the First Lateran Council confirmed that clerical marriages were invalid, but in the 15th century 50% of priests were married and accepted by the people. The Council of Trent in 1545-63 states celibacy and virginity are superior to marriage.

What was Henry VIII famous for other than having six wives?

Leaving the Catholic Church and starting his own.

Who is Henry VIII?

Henry VIII was the King of England. He is best known for breaking away from the Catholic Church and his six wives.

Why is no one born in Vatican City?

Because there are no women there. It is all Catholic priests, bishops, cardinals and the Pope. As none of them are married they do not have wives and so there are no babies born there.

Did Henry VIII do anything interesting?

Well, he was the king of England who had six wives. That in itself is interesting. Two of them were executed by his command. Besides that he split with the Catholic church and formed his own church the Church of England. This led to the English Reformation which promoted religious wars or at least battles that went on for centuries.Well, he was the king of England who had six wives. That in itself is interesting. Two of them were executed by his command. Besides that he split with the Catholic church and formed his own church the Church of England. This led to the English Reformation which promoted religious wars or at least battles that went on for centuries.Well, he was the king of England who had six wives. That in itself is interesting. Two of them were executed by his command. Besides that he split with the Catholic church and formed his own church the Church of England. This led to the English Reformation which promoted religious wars or at least battles that went on for centuries.Well, he was the king of England who had six wives. That in itself is interesting. Two of them were executed by his command. Besides that he split with the Catholic church and formed his own church the Church of England. This led to the English Reformation which promoted religious wars or at least battles that went on for centuries.Well, he was the king of England who had six wives. That in itself is interesting. Two of them were executed by his command. Besides that he split with the Catholic church and formed his own church the Church of England. This led to the English Reformation which promoted religious wars or at least battles that went on for centuries.Well, he was the king of England who had six wives. That in itself is interesting. Two of them were executed by his command. Besides that he split with the Catholic church and formed his own church the Church of England. This led to the English Reformation which promoted religious wars or at least battles that went on for centuries.

What was the man reason for Henry the 8 split with the Roman Catholic Church?

Because of different beliefs and Henry was cruel,had many wives

What made King Henry famous?

King Henry III was most famous for his numerous wives several of which he had executed. He was also known for the separation of the Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church.

Why did Henry 8 want to separate the English church?

Because he wanted to divorce one of his wives. Divorce was not allowed within the Catholic church at this time