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They were not allowed to marry

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Q: In the Massachusetts bible commonwealth clergyman could?
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Why was Anne Hutchinson banished from Massachusetts?

individuals could not interpret The Bible for themselves

What is Bible Commonwealth?

"Bible Commonwealth" was some of the religious leaders' large influence. It powerfully influenced admission to church membership by conducting public interrogations of people claiming to have experienced conversation. -Bible commonwealth refers to a theocratic political economy (meaning, even in government, a deity was believed in and was a guiding force). We saw Bible commonwealth in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. -MBC was founded by moderate Puritans. Know that Puritans believed in only "God's elect" could go to heaven, no exceptions. The only way for a Puritan to know he was one of the "elect" was if he had experienced "conversion". Conversion refers to a person's experience where God reveals to him that he is destined for heaven. -The Puritan presence in MBC lead to the creation of the Bible commonwealth, meaning their laws were made based on the Bible and only adult male, church-going Puritans could vote in provincial elections. But church membership was only for Puritans who had experienced conversion--religious leaders had public interrogations with people to confirm this. -So basically, when you think "Bible commonwealth", think large religious influence in government. (However, please note that in MBC there was a small separation between state and religion.)

Could clergyman allowed to marry?

Answer Catholic Bishops are not allowed to marry

Is Hawaii british commonwealth?

No. It is a US state, and as such, could not be a member of the Commonwealth.

Who could vote in the Massachusetts Bay Colony?

Men could vote in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

What was the belief of Anne Hutchinson who was forced to leave Massachusetts and flee to Rhode Island?

She believed that a person could worship god without help of a Church, Minister, or Bible.

Origin of public school in Boston?

Public schooling began in Massachusetts with the Massachusetts School Law of 1647. The Puritans characteristic of the area wished that everyone was educated so that they could read the Bible and Massachusetts laws. The Massachusetts School Law provided that every township with more than 50 households must hire someone to teach its children to read and write.

What was the belief of Anne Hutchinson who was forced to also leave Massachusetts so she fled to Rhode Island?

She believed that a person could worship god without help of a Church, minister, or Bible.

Who could vote in colonial Massachusetts?

I believe it was those who were member's of the church.

Why was the Commonwealth established?

so people could eat tacos

What region was first to support public education so that all people could read the bible?

The New England region of the United States, particularly the Massachusetts Bay Colony, was the first to support public education to ensure that all people could read the Bible. The Massachusetts Education Law of 1647, also known as the Old Deluder Satan Act, required towns with a certain number of households to establish and maintain schools to teach children how to read and write. This emphasis on education was driven by the Puritan belief in the importance of being able to read the Bible for oneself.

How did the national government eventually respond to Shays Rebellion?

They could offer little help to Massachusetts.