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Various intepretations"Some see Revelation chapter 12 as a proto-Christian story of the birth of Christ in heaven. Verse 12:10 says that salvation and the kingdom of God and the power of his Christ is now come. On this interpretation, the woman is the heavenly mother of Christ.

Other interpretations see the woman's symbolism changing during the chapter and correlating to various timespans in history. Thus, she is seen as representing Eve, Israel, the Church, Mary, and godly women in general."

Actually the women in Chapter 12 represents the nation of the Hebrew Israelites. The male child represents Christ because he was a child born from The Hebrew Israelites. The Serpent represents the Devil. The offspring is the offspring from the Hebrew Israelites who keeps the commandments and hold the testimony of Christ. It also says that the Serpent stood on the sand of the sea. The Sand of the sea is the offspring promised to Abraham in Genesis when God tells him I will make your offspring like the sand of the sea and later on to Jacob. The serpent standing on the sand of the sea means that the Serpent is oppressing the offspring of Jacob renamed Israel.

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The woman in revelation chapter 12 vs 1 repersent the true house of israel, the twelve star repersent the twelve tribes of Israel .

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