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A person who is agnostic admits that it is not possible to know with any degree of certainty whether or not there is such a thing as God. Similarly, an agnostic would not claim to know what happens after death.

Ironically, this uncertainty is entirely consistent with Christianity and many other religions. Christians have "faith" that God exists, have "faith" in the resurrection of Christ, have "faith" in eternal life, and all the other teachings of the religion. "Faith" means believing without demonstrable proof. This is clearly stated in the Book of Hebrews in the Christian Scriptures: "Now faith is assurance of things hoped for, a conviction of things not seen." (Hebrews 11:1. If we knew with certainty that God exists, or had demonstrable proof of life in Heaven, we would not need faith.

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Kamron Roberts

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14y ago

A different response:

A person who is agnostic admits that it is not possible to know with any degree of certainty whether or not there is such a thing as God. Similarly, an agnostic would not claim to know what happens after death.

Ironically, this uncertainty is entirely consistent with Christianity and many other religions. Christians have "faith" that God exists, have "faith" in the resurrection of Christ, have "faith" in eternal life, and all the other teachings of the religion. "Faith" means believing without demonstrable proof. This is clearly stated in the Book of Hebrews in the Christian Scriptures: "Now faith is assurance of things hoped for, a conviction of things not seen." (Hebrews 11:1. If we knew with certainty that God exists, or had demonstrable proof of life in Heaven, we would not need faith.

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