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Cuss is frequently used as a synonym for curse. To curse someone is a category of blasphemy. All blasphemy is a grievous sin and a grave violation of charity towards God, frequently even of faith itself. To curse is a subcategory of blasphemy and involves invoking evil on someone. Imprecations of evil may be made directly against God, holy things, or persons, against rational creatures, against irrational creatures, and against the devil. Thus, if you curse God or rational creatures, and die with this sin unrepented, and unconfessed and unforgiven, then, yes, blasphemy is more than enough to send you to hell for eternity.

a) To curse God or holy things is a form of blasphemy, as stated above.

b) To curse rational creatures is normally contrary to charity or justice.

c) To curse irrational creatures, such as the winds or horses, is general a venial sin of impatience. If these imprecations are uttered for a morally good purpose (v.g. in the course of an exorcism) then they are not sinful.

d) To curse the devil as the enemy of God and men is lawful. But exclamations which in themselves are not sinful may become unlawful for incidental reasons, such as the danger of scandal.

extracted from Handbook of Moral Theology, byDominic M. Prummer, O.P., translated from the Latin by Rev. Gerald W. Shelton, S.T.L., Roman Catholic Books, 1957

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hell yea mz breezy his other Taurus ya bytchez need 2 step off cuss he minex tudlzz

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Does hey Monday cuss in their lyrics?

Nope, the only form of cussing they do is on their new EP Beneath It All in the song Wish You Were Here they say the word "hell" a few times, but that's it !