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God's name is actually the Tetragrammaton YHWH or 'Yah Weh' which simply means 'I am'. The term 'Jehovah' is a corruption of the original name as it is spoken in English. To the Jew of the Old Testament God's name was so sacred that YHWH was never uttered - not even in prayer, the term 'Adonai' being used instead (which is translated today as 'Lord'). And certainly the term 'Jehovah' was never known as God's name by the Jews of the Old Testament. that is why the insistence of Jehovah's Witnesses in calling God 'Jehovah' is not only incorrect, but is actually offensive to Jews as, to them, it trivialises the sacred name of God - 'the holiest of names that must not be uttered'.

The reason why so many people do not believe the message of Jehovah's Witnesses has nothing to do with the name of God. The Jehovah's Witness organisation believes in what is called Arian theology where Jesus is demoted to a 'demigod' and equated to the angel Michael, and any divinity of Jesus such as belief in the Trinity is regarded as the work of the devil. All those (which includes the Christian Church worldwide) who accept the Trinity is therefore, to the JW, in cahoots with satan. This belief system was utterly discredited in the early church and declared heretical as those who spoke out against it were either eyewitnesses to events surrounding Jesus themselves or were disciples of those who actually heard Jesus himself teach, and knew Arianism to be wrong. Yet their founder, Charles taize Russell, being uneducated and not having the grounding in scripture necessary to prevent his error, still pursued this discredited cultic theology.

Therefore it is not only outsiders who refuse to believe in the beliefs of the Jehovah's Witnesses. Even the worldwide Christian Church regards them as little more than a cult who spend an inordinate amount of time and money spreading a false message to all who do not know otherwise. That is why you will never find a Bible scholar, a textual critic, Bible historian, theologian or a host of other learned and devout people faithful to Christ's message in the Jehovah's Witness movement.

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Q: If gods name is Jehovah why don't people believe in jws?
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