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The dust will return to the earth as it was, and the spirit will return to God who gave it. ECCLESIASTES 12:7

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Q: If every human has a spirit where do unborn and dead babies go and what do the different religions and denominations teach about this?
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Do other religions believe in the holy spirit?

Not all religions believe in the concept of the Holy Spirit as understood in Christianity. Some religions, like Islam and Judaism, have different beliefs about the nature of God and the spiritual realm. Each religion has its own unique understanding of spirituality and divine presence.

How must God be worshipped?

All those having spiritual insight worship God "with spirit and truth." (John 4:24) They strive to display Christlike qualities. And for our worship to be acceptable to God, it must conform to the truth revealed in the pages of the Bible and it must be guided by the holy spirit.

What is the belief that there is a spirit (or multiple), but different cultures have interpreted it/them differently, thus creating different religions?

Never mind, I found it. It's Unitarian Universalist.

Which Christian denomination is a spirit-oriented movement?

Pentecostal Christians are very spirit-oriented although many Christian denominations call on the Holy Spirit and believe that it dwells in each believer. Pentecostalism is not a denomination though. Rather it is a movement with in many denominations.

What happens when people celebrate baptism?

Baptism is receiving the Holy Spirit into your life. Catholics have their babies baptized at a very early age,,, other religions wait till a child is older.

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Presbyterian and Pentecostal are not two separate religions. They are two different denominations of Christianity. There are some similarities, such as the belief in the atonement of Christ, His death, burial, and resurrection, the nature of God, the existence of Heaven and Hell, etc. They differ on their interpretation of Acts chapter 2, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

What does spirit hand mean?

It is important to understand the symbolism of ancient religions. The spirit hand in many religions represents help, healing, and health.

Why do some religions believe it is important for babies to be baptised?

So the little babies hearts can be filled with the Holy Spirit at a young age and we can do the right thing and make good choices. God wants us to be baptized before we go to heaven.

What denominations baptized by in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit?

Most pentecostal

What was the great spirit?

The Great Spirit is a name given to a supreme deity in a number of aboriginal religions.

What is a Pentecostal church?

A Pentecostal church is the body of Christ who believes what happened in the book of Acts in the upper room, when the Holy Spirit fell on the disciples in Acts chapter 2. There are many different denominations that are Pentecostal, and the Church of God of Prophecy, and Church of God are among the biggest denominations.

How is the Muslim religions style of worship different to Christianity's?

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