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No, according the the "Our Kingdom Ministry" [The Jehovah's Witnesses inhouse Newsletter] of March 1997:

''What if the deceased was disfellowshipped? The congregation would generally not be involved. The Kingdom Hall would not be used. If the person had been giving evidence of repentance and manifesting a desire to be reinstated, a brother's conscience might allow him to give a Bible talk at the funeral home or graveside, to give a witness to unbelievers and to comfort the relatives. Before making this decision, however, it would be wise for the brother to consult with the body of elders and give consideration to what they may recommend. In situations where it would not be wise for that brother to be involved, it may be appropriate for a brother who is a member of the deceased person's family to give a talk to console the relatives.''

A person who disassociates himself is treated exactly as if he were disfellowshipped

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Q: If a Jehovah's Witnesses disassociates himself is there a discourse when he dies?
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