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Jesus died so we would not have to. The wages of sin is death and we all have sinned. Jesus is the only one who never sinned so He was the only one who could take our place. This is the gift of salvation. There are millions who have accepted His gift of salvation, so in one sense, His death is not in vain. However, He cares for and loves YOU. If you do not accept His gift, then you are throwing His gift in His face.

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Q: If Jesus died for your sins was his death in vain?
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If jesus died for your sins and you don't sin did he die in vain?

Everybody sins.

What does it mean to die in vain?

To die in vain means that you died for a cause but your death did not change anything.

What would it mean if the soldiers were considered to have died in vain?

that the death was meaningles. or they dident manege to do the thing they had to do. or died in a way that was not useful for the living.

Why was belief in the resurrection so important to Jesus disciples and other christians?

Answer:Because it's Jesus' LIFE that saves us... not His DEATH."...if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; YE ARE YET IN YOUR SINS..." (I Cor.15:17).

When Jesus died was he full of our sins?

In Christian belief, Jesus took on the burden of humanity's sins when he died on the cross, serving as a sacrificial atonement to reconcile humanity with God. His death was seen as a substitutionary sacrifice to pay the price for the sins of mankind.

How can one man like Jesus Christ save the whole world?

According to my beliefs, Jesus Christ was more then a man. He is also the Son of God. Because He took all our sins upon himself, suffered and died for those sins, our debt has been paid. But in order to have our sin debt paid for us we have to accept Jesus Christ as our savior. All that means is that we need to acknowledge that He is the Son of God and that He died for our sins. When we stand before the Lord on our judgment day, Jesus acts as our lawyer (if you will) and says that our debt has been paid. The whole world will be given the chance to accept Jesus as their savior. Sadly not the whole world will choose Him. Some choose themselves and that is sad. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Hope to see you there. Thus if Jesus Christ was only a man He would have been essentially crazy for thinking and proclaiming that He could save the world. Thankfully, all His statements about Himself were proven true when He arose from the dead, thus proving that His death was not in vain and He really was who He claimed to be, the Lord of life itself. If He is such a person, then saving the world is indeed what He can do, if He is permitted to.

Why is the cross sacred to christians?

Answer: It is not the physical cross we wear on our neck today that is important. It is the symbolism of where the cross came from, which is about the Crucifixion of Christ and His sacrifice for humanity during it.

What does shall not have died in vain mean?

1. "in vain" means without reason. "shall not have died in vain" is a phrase from the Gettysburg Address where Lincoln was dedicating a cemetery. "That these dead shall not have died in vain" meant that the Union soldiers who died at Gettysburg would have died for a noble purpose if the North won and the Union stayed together. "shall not have died to no purpose" in other words. 2. shouldn't have died in anger

What does shall not have in vain mean?

1. "in vain" means without reason. "shall not have died in vain" is a phrase from the Gettysburg Address where Lincoln was dedicating a cemetery. "That these dead shall not have died in vain" meant that the Union soldiers who died at Gettysburg would have died for a noble purpose if the North won and the Union stayed together. "shall not have died to no purpose" in other words. 2. shouldn't have died in anger

What did Lincoln mean why the phrase that these dead shall not have died in vain means?

He was indicating that the Civil War had a purpose and that was to preserve the union of the United States. To do this, the North had to win the war. Otherwise, the death of the soldiers would be in vain. (Ending slavery was a also a secondary purpose)

They try to beat you they try in vain and when you win it ends their pain?

The answer is: Death

What does it mean if you die in vain?

That you lived and died for no purpose.