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Jerusalem is important to Christianity for many reasons, but largely, as the center of the Jewish faith from which the Old Testament scriptures spring. Jerusalem is prophetically the symbolic city of God meaning "City of Peace." Here was the Temple of all Israel. Here was the city which the New Testament scripture tells us rejected the Anointed (Christ) of God, outside whose city walls Jesus was put to death.

The first, simple answer regarding Christ's being called a Nazrene, is taken from Matthew 2:23, "And he (Jesus) came and resided in a city called Nazareth, that what was spoken through the prophets might be fulfilled, "He shall be called a Nazarene." This prophecy is not found in the Canonical Old Testament of the Bible and is considered lost in antiquity.

This followed the custom of the day of referring to people by a town or region where they lived or grew up in. It sometimes was a cause or employment that they were known for such as zealot or carpenter. Many old English surnames started in this manner too.

Mandate of Israel:

The old cultures had no surnames then. The arranged their names through associations, fraternal, place of main residence or natal beginnings.

Judas Iscarioti = Yehudah Sicarii

Yeshua ben Yosef = Yeshua son of Yosef

Yeshua haNotzrim = Yeshua from Natzereth.

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Q: If Jerusalem is important to Christianity why then was Jesus called Jesus of Nazareth an unknown town why not Jesus of Jerusalem?
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