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In my current state of awareness, knowledge acquired over 30 years of research with a passionate need to "know", or at the least, "understand enough to form an religious/spiritual epistemology, the term "sinner" wouldn't even be a part of our vocabulary. The term "sinner" was first mentioned in Genesis, so I DO see a causal relationship, meaning...there are sinners BECAUSE there is a God.

Now, to answer your question directly, the definition of sin is simply...selfishness. Selfishness is the least common denominator of the "seven deadly sins", and we exist on Earth to learn how to overcome our "sinful nature." Because of Jesus, who chose to be born as man and sacrifice his life for us, he showed us the way to overcome "sin."

In general, each soul's primary purpose is to "know thyself", and "rule the world", meaning, until we can resist the earthly influences that tempt us to sin, we need to learn NOT to allow earthly (physical) temptations to rule us (ie, drug dependency, addictions to anything - food, gossip, pleasures of the flesh, etc. By overcoming earthly temptations, we will eventually lose our selfishness, and live with righteous, ethical, moral and tolerant acceptance of what we tend to judge (based on lack of understanding).

God did not "create "sinners, nor does he tempt us with sin. We, ourselves, are responsible for that and God simply awaits each of us to use the gift of Free Will he gave us to learn to overcome our selfishness.


The last paragraph in the first answer is quite correct. All mankind are given as a free gift the right to choose what they will do with this gift of AGENCY. God will force no man to heaven, neither will He force him to do good or evil. Every soul who comes to this earth is given the knowledge of right and wrong, and through our experiences while on this earth which gives us not only knowledge but (hopefully) wisdom, we make our choices.

If there is one thing about God, he will take into account all of our actions with fair and just consideration and judge us accordingly.

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God has granted us free will (Deuteronomy 30:15-20).

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Q: If God is real why are there so many sinners?
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