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God rested on the Sabbath day not because he was tired, but because he made it for a special purpose. That purpose was for a holy day to be spent between man and God in communion. He made it by resting on it and putting his presence into that day thus sanctifying it so we may spend time with God each Sabbath day.

The Hebrew word used in Genesis 2:2-3 means rest in the sense of desisting from or ceasing labor, and does not mean sleep or need to recover from weariness.

AnswerIf God after six days of Creation rested and was refreshed,then maybe God was not so Omnipotent after all.

"It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever: for in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed. " Exodus 31:17

The commentators explain this verse like many other verses in The Bible. G-d generally speaks in a way that people will understand him. In a way that he can relate to people. Since the bible was written for people and not angels, this is logical. When a person rests, he is refreshed. G-d was not 'refreshed' as the simple glancing at this verse might make it out to be.

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Q: If God is Omnipotent then why did He need to rest one whole day after 6 days of creation?
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