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It makes the speech sound more poetic

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Q: Identify and explain the extended metaphor in Martin Luther king's speech?
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Find an example of a metaphor in king's speech?

Martin Luther King used both simile and metaphor in his famous speech. The metaphor he used was "Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred".

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Martin Luther King, Jr.

What was Marthin Luther king?

hard to explain but he was part of the Black history month

How does Martin Luther king explain equality?

he say no matter where you from what language you talk what color you we all are brother.

How does Martin Luther King Jr.'s use of metaphor in this passage from his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech affect his tone?

It makes the speech sound more poetic

What technique does Martin Luther King Jr. use by comparing justice to an injured person in this passage from his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech?


What was the response to Luther's Ninety-Five Thesis?

The response of the Roman Catholic Church was to invite Luther, who was still a Monk and Priest in Holy Orders, to come to the Vatican and explain his 95 Theses to the Pope. Luther did that and the result of that Tribunal was that Luther was required to recant his statements. His famous reply came which is known by Lutherans "Here I stand; I can do no other."

Explain the significance of Martin Luther King Jr?

He started the Civil Rights movement. Remember that "I have a Dream" thing from school?

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The stated ourcome supports the purpose Luther spoke to the sales manager, and discovered a posistive stake holder Clients helped clarify accessibility issues Luther spoke to the initiator about the project's backgroud Luther has determined the project isn't a top priority The CEO has agreed to be project champion

What is the meaning of the symbolic shadow in martin Luther kings poem?

"Symbolic shadow" is a metaphor meaning that "our" lives have been greatly affected by the beliefs and deeds - particularly the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation - of that great American.

How does Martin Luther King use figurative language in his speech?

A comparsion that doesn't use these words 'LIKE OR AS' is called a metaphor. ' COMPARING'