

Best Answer

Sure. The best suggestion we can offer is:

-- Think about Shavuot for a few minutes, and zero in on something you find interesting.

Nobody else can tell you what that is.

-- Consult a few s'forim, popular publications, or even the commentary in a Chumash,

and look for a few comments on the detail that interests you. You're sure to find a lot

of good, meaty material on-line too.

-- After reading up for a while, take a good long walk, without the iPod or the cellfone,

in a place with trees if there's one nearby. Just stroll, look around, and think about

what you've read. A new angle is sure to occur to you, guaranteed.

-- Do it now. because time is getting short.

-- Good luck & yasher koach.

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Q: I have to give a Drash about anything i find interesting for shavuot any suggestions?
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