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Q: How zakat purify the human soul?
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What is the main aim of zakat and zakatul fitr?

to purify one's soul and heart ( 17:18) to reduce poverty

What you call zakat in English?

Zakat means to cleanse or purify as the person gives up a share of his/hers wealth they become cleansed from selfishness and greed.

What is the purpose of Tea Ceremony in Japan?

to purify your soul

How do soul reapers purify a hallow in bleach?

By cutting them and eliminating with their Zanpakuto

Does water purify Hindus is that what they believe?

Water from the Ganges, the Goddess Ganga. It is said that she purfies the soul from sins.

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Can a wife give Zakat to her husband for finishing loan?

no a wife cant give zakat or money of zakat to her husband under the masarif of zakat.

Can syed give zakat to syed?

there are two type of Zakat: obligatory Zakat and Mustahab (recommended Zakat). Recommended Zakat is same as non obligatory donations. Syed can receive non obligatory Zakat from all. but obligatory only from Syed.

What is zakat in Arabic?

It is Zakat in Arabic as well. :)

When was Remapping the Human Soul created?

Remapping the Human Soul was created on 2007-01-23.

What is etinological meaning of psychology?

The science of the human soul; specifically, the systematic or scientific knowledge of the powers and functions of the human soul, so far as they are known by consciousness; a treatise on the human soul.

How do you send a ghost to heaven?

There isn't a definitive way to send a ghost to heaven as beliefs about the afterlife and spiritual realms vary across different cultures and religions. Some people believe that ghosts are stuck on Earth due to unfinished business or unresolved emotions, and in those cases, helping the ghost resolve its issues may help it move on peacefully. Encouraging the spirit to find peace and guiding it towards the light are common themes in ghost stories where the spirit is eventually able to find rest.