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Give your self a reward for each day you go without doing your habit and keep busy.

You may want to adopt principles from 12-step programs such as having a sponsor or accountability partner.

i think the only way to stop bad habits is by feeling ashamed of them and feel guilty about them <--- i can suggest one thing fight your desires whenever you want to do bad habit, wake up in the morning look at yourself in the mirror, believe in yourself that you can do good habits

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16y ago

Cutting is often a hard addiction to overcome. Here are some ways you can quit: Throw away any razors you are hiding. Try and hide knives and stuff too.

Find somthing to do when you feel like cutting. Busy yourself with hobbies and things you enjoy doing.

Find another way to vent. If you feel angry, sad, or hurt, try running or buying a punching bag. Even call up a freind to get together with.

Write. Write down your feelings. If you pour your heart out, the less likely you are to cut.

Surround youself. Be around encouraging people. People who build you up. Piont out positive thinga bout yourself....try and build yourself up.

Be happy. Try and surround yourself with everything positive...even see a counselor if you need to get soemthing out. They'll help you/

Good luck!

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12y ago

It honestly sound to me like she wants to make you angry. If she was 10yo I would agree it could be the stress of the divorce but she is an adult now. We are not always responsible for what our children do and you need to step away emotionally and see her for the adult she is and the choices she makes. Let her know this is on her and have nothing to do with you or you as a family. You taught her right from wrong and now it's up to her and she knows better. And of course it is embarrassing! But it's her choice. You can ask her if she would be interested in therapy for the divorce because there is usually many questions that all of you wish to bring up and she might need to go by herself but also with you and your husband. But when it comes to the peeing - take the drama out of it and make sure she understands she is only embarrasses herself because it has nothing to do with you. Refusing to go inside when she can is just pure spite expected from a small child, not an adult who legally can move out or be kicked out of their home and expected to live on their own. If she does it in your garden again spray her with water. It's what you do with dogs and it works. She will soon stop and needs a reminder that it's your garden and not hers.

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You stop doing what you do for your habit

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