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basically GOD is beyond an image so we cant compare GOD with any image because an image is anything that is created by any one but no one has ever created GOD because GOD is who HE IS THAT IS SELF EXISTANT

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Lodduk Mark

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Exodus 20:1-5 We should not make any image of God to worship.

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Q: How would you use the old testament to reply to some one who says that in all religions we make God in our own image?
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Which religions have a New Testament?

The New Testament is of Christian origin. So, that would be Christianity only.

How would you use the old testament to reply to someone who says that in all religions we make God in our image?

The Bible says God was in existence before man: Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. and man was created in God's image. Genesis 1:26,27 Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

Is there a good new religion?

Only the religions from God are good, so that would include Judaism in Old Testament times and Messianic Judaism and Christianity in New Testament times. The New Testament is newer than the old. If you read it ,you gain wisdom and a renewed mind once you believe and get saved.

Do you say In the reply or for the reply to Anne?

Both are terms, but for different aspects of a reply. You would decide what form and language to use "for the reply to Anne." If you were describing the contents of the reply, not the form, you would say that a word or phrase was "in the reply to Anne."

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What question would you like me to reply to?

What is a antonym for reply?

An antonym i think for reply would be is ask. because reply is answer the opposite is ask

How would you use the word reply in a sentence?

When I am asked how I am, I usually reply that I am fine.

What is a monosyllabic reply?

This would be the same as a one word reply like yes or no.

What religion was it that wrote the first bible?

The simple answer is that the old testament was "written" by Jewish people, and the new testament was "written" by Christians, but historically, the bible was likely first written in (languages, not religions, sorry) sanskrit, translated to greek, then to latin, and then into modern languages, with adaptations given by different sects. Incidentally, there are three major religions grounded in parts of the bible, typically referred to by scholars as Abrahamic religions, namely Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

How do you use the word imagery in a sentence?

He had an image of what his hero would be like.He had an image of what his hero would be like.He had an image of what his hero would be like.He had an image of what his hero would be like.He had an image of what his hero would be like.He had an image of what his hero would be like.He had an image of what his hero would be like.He had an image of what his hero would be like.He had an image of what his hero would be like.He had an image of what his hero would be like.He had an image of what his hero would be like.

What is the correct reply to god speed?

The correct reply to "god speed" would be "Thank you" or "And to you as well."

How do you reply to bein y tu?

How you would reply is "entonces que esta aciendo?"