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The Gospel of Mark chapter 13 says that Jesus would return in the clouds with great power and glory, and that he would send his angels to gather his elect from the four winds.

However, Mark also has Jesus say that this would happen while those to whom Jesus spoke were still alive, but this did not happen. If Mark got this wrong, we can not be sure about his description of how Jesus would return either.

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John 6:38 says, "For I came down from heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of him that sent me."

As John 6:41-42 records, "The Jews then murmured at him, because he said, I am the bread which came down from heaven. And they said, Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? how is it then that he said, I came down from heaven?" From these two passages of the Scripture, we can see that people's understanding of the Lord Jesus' words was far from their real meaning. When the Lord Jesus said that he had come down from heaven, he meant that he was the incarnated flesh of God's Spirit, who had come to the world from heaven. Although in people's eyes he was born of Mary and grew up as a normal man, he was indeed God Godself who had come down from heaven. However, people understood Jesus' word "I came down from heaven" as meaning that he came down from the clouds as a man over thirty and needn't be born through a human body at all, much less go through the process of growing up as a normal man. This is what they considered to be coming down from heaven. Thus we can see that people's notions and imaginations are far from the original meaning of God's word and work. From the above instance, we see that people should not measure God or God's work by their notions and imaginations or understand God's word literally. If they measure and circumscribe God according to their imaginations or their literal understandings of God's word, they will surely fail. As The Bible says, "…the letter kills, but the spirit gives life."

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8y ago

Our Blessed Lord will return to earth with great fanfare, this is not something that you are going to miss if you are sleeping! For one thing the entire world will end in flames and 1 Corinthians 15:52:

In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last Trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed.

We will not be "saved" until we have been judged, that individual judgment happens for every single person that instant they die. If they are found worthy, then they are saved, if they are not found worthy, then they are condemned to eternal hell.

The final judgment (as opposed to the particular judgment that everyone on earth will undergo at their death) is reserved for the end of the world. At that judgment, EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY will be judged and the Father's plan will be revealed to all, as will every thought or hidden action we have ever done. At that time, we will be overcome with admiration for the beauty of the Father's plan and finally see how He was at work in all things.

None of this is going to be mysterious, only the timing, when it actually starts happening, believe me, you are going to know it.

When thing to be careful of, if you read Matthew 24 and are not very familiar with Old Testament prophecy and the various Biblical signs used in Apocalyptic literature, you are going to go astray very easily.

Most of chapter 24 is concerned with the fall of Jerusalem and the ending of Biblical Judaism. All of those specific prophecies are all fulfilled in the year A.D. 70 and perfectly match up with the prophecies in the book of Daniel. And he ends answering the first question of his disciples concerning the close of the age (the Old Testament Judaic age) and the sign of His coming - this was His coming to establish His church in power and glory.

But starting in verse 36, He answers the second question about the end of the world. Here he switches from very specific signs to "no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only." Up until this point He has been very specific, given specific signs, told them what to do, and that everything He is telling them will come to pass while they are still alive. But the end of the world is completely different - no one knows, so we must be watchful.

Our Blessed Lord is very specific in His vagueness concerning the end of the world because the end of the world will happen infallibly for each of us on our last day on earth and for that we must prepare, because it could very well be today - or next year, we don't know, and we are to do our best right not. So it is with the end of the world, we are not to worry about that, we are to worry about right now and do our best right now.

Worry not about the end - when it comes you will know for sure, and for most of us, it will be a very sad time as we will then begin an eternity in hell suffering eternal agony. So watch, pray, and start living a Christian life now.

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